Saturday, April 16, 2016

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - April 2016

April is an amazing month. Plants that have shown only the slightest signs of growth suddenly pop, almost before our eyes. Along with all the luxuriant and welcome new foliage come the blooms of spring; Let's take a look at what's flowering at Longview Ranch this month.

Cornus 'Eddies White Wonder' has exploded into bloom. It lights up the Northwest Territory.

There's a reason Lewisia cotyledon figures prominently in my blog head - it's one of my favorite native cultivars. The 'Sunset Series' blooms are proliferate and gorgeous.

C. longipetala is more diminutive.

This group of Tulipa batalinii looks a bit plonked down, but last fall I needed to fill this new bed with something bright for spring. I'll integrate other plants around them better this year.

An unknown Arctostaphylos that looks a lot like 'Martha Ewan'.

The first blooms of Helianthemum 'Henfield Brilliant'.

Berberis verruculosa has these small yellow blooms in spring.

Another northwest native, Camassia quamash, blooms in the Northwest Territory. I love their starry flowers.

The little urn-like flowers of Salal, Gautheria shallon, are profuse and perfect this month.

Loropetalum chinense 'Sizzling Pink' has been a show of pink flowers and beautiful, bronzy-purple foliage.

My older Trachycarpus fortunei is getting ready to bloom. It apparently takes another palm to pollinate, so I've never had fruit.

But this year the younger T. fortunei is showing blooms, so maybe I'll get some of those cool black berries this year.

I think my Fothergilla gardenii 'My Airy' is not getting the sun it needs for good blooms; I only had six this year. I'll leave it for another spring and make a decision about moving it next year.

Tiny, fragrant Convallaria majalis.

Ceanothus 'Joan Mirov' is getting ready to pop.

Abutilon megapotamica has hardly missed a beat in the past year, helped by our mild winter.

Lastly, Cistus obtusifolius is beginning what I hope will be a summer-long show of simple white blooms.
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is hosted monthly at May Dreams Gardens. Thank you, Carol!

Happy Bloom Day!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday Vignette - Buena Vista Ponds

My image today isn't really a vignette - it's more like a panorama. But it holds a special place in my heart. This shot was taken at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge a couple of years ago in September. There's a field station at the base of a large rock outcropping, and you can drive up to the top for this beautiful overview of the ponds.
The ponds and their plant life support waterfowl, meadow birds and lots of other wildlife. It's one of my favorite places in Oregon. While there's a chance this view may have been compromised by recent events at the refuge, I have faith in nature's ability to recover and I look forward to enjoying this lovely prospect again in future years.

Wednesday Vignette is hosted over at Flutter and Hum. Check the comments for other vignettes today!