Saturday, July 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - July 2017

It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, the monthly opportunity to record what's blooming in our gardens and share it with the blogging world. Although I've attended four Garden Bloggers Flings, I have yet to meet our generous Bloom Day host, Carol, but since I've been posting for Bloom Day since May of 2009, I have over eight years of flower records I can look back on thanks to her meme.

This month, I'm trying something different by focusing on just a few colors. Join me as I celebrate the red and orange fiesta blooming in my garden right now.

My neighbor's Campsis radicans is a show unto itself. I love that she's willing to grow, prune and maintain this vision of orange - I get to enjoy it every day with none of the work! It's easy to see why hummingbirds love this vine and it is covered with bees, too.

I love the peachy-orange color of Kniphofia 'Timothy', and so does our resident hummingbird.

This might be Crocosmia 'Corona' but I think it's a different, unknown cultivar. Who needs a name when you're this striking?

Abutilon megapotamicum had a tough winter and is only now beginning to bloom.
Callistemon 'Woodlander's Hardy Red'.

Penstemmon pinifolius, loving summer like I do.

Sphearalcea 'Newleaze Coral' was killed to the ground over winter, but has rebounded to put on new growth and flowers again.

Agastache 'Coronado Red'. I can see the A. rupestris heritage in this cultivar.

Hesperaloe parviflora. Okay it's kind of pink but it definitely counts in my book.

And last, the little, cool flowers of Pelargonium sidoides. Yes, they ARE red (if you add a lot of blue.)

Bloom Day is hosted on the 15th of each month by Carol of May Dreams Gardens. Check out her post and those of other bloggers via this link.

Happy Bloom Day!