Wednesday, April 15, 2009

By special request

My delighful first (and, so far, only) follower has requested pictures of the house. Since Tikimama is focused on mid-century homes and her blog is so much fun, I'm happy to indulge her. Here are some shots of the house in its early days of our ownership. We have already replaced many of the lollypop-trimmed shrubs shown around around the foundation with shade lovers, including two Fatsia japonicas. I remember them from my California childhood (so that makes them mid-century, Tikimama!) I'm so glad they'll thrive further north. They made it through our winter cold with just a little damage and are coming back like gangbusters, thank goodness. And I clearly need to take some newer front yard pictures!


  1. Hey, thanks! Your house is very cute, and I'd like to see a closeup of your entryway - is that decorative posts I see? Original door? I hope!

    I had Fatsia japonica at my last home, and plan to do some here as well (among lots of other Plans!). They are very mid-century style!

  2. Oh, and BTW, I just wrestled with TWO computers and printer and cords and the dang wireless internet and FINALLY got a label to print - so your package is on its way tomorrow!

  3. I've been amazed at how forgiving fatsia japonica has been here. I've had plants on the verge of death in pots because I neglected them, that I've popped in the ground and they grew into big happy looking shrubs. Tough to find something easier going than that.

  4. If only I had read those words 'shade lovers' prior to planting my Fatsia Jaonica 4 years ago! At the time for some reason I believed them to be sun lovers. True to their tough nature the plant is doing just fine...but I think it would be so much happier with a little more shade. Ah, and learn right? I am enjoying your blog Jane!

  5. Cute house! You and I are like "switchsters" - I'm an Oregonian living in CA now and from this post, it appears you are a Californian living in OR. Say hi to Hippo Hardware, Rimsky-KorsaCoffee House, and of course Burgerville for me! Sometimes I miss Portland.


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