Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bloomday, July 2009

Here's a little Anna's hummer that has been visiting several times daily since the crocosmia 'Lucifer' bloomed. My camera isn't fast enough to catch his wings.

Agastache Acapulco - a bee and hummingbird "magnet" as they say in all the catalogs. It happens to be true in this case.

This is a Sally Holmes rose I planted last year to showcase our roman brick chimney. I had one at our last house and it was an amazing performer. This one appears to be taking after her sister in just one year.

A new climber I put in less than four weeks ago and it's just busting out: Darwin's Enigma will help to cover our yards of chain link fencing. I always like a white rose, and this one's blossoms are simple and small - just perfect.

An unknown but completely unself-conscious rose that blooms all summer on my parking strip.

A couple of blooms from our Northwest native area. A digitalis, and above, a snowberry, with minute pink blossoms that has been covered with so many bees I thought we might have a swarm somewhere close.

Finally, a couple of vegetable flowers. I would grow eggplant just for its foliage and flowers, let alone the tasty resulting veggies. This is Ichiban and it's a gorgeous purple.

And what vegetable flower can rival a tomato? I guess it looks so good to me because I'm dreaming of eating the late summer harvest from this Brandywine.

Happy Bloom Day all!


  1. Lovely pictures, Jane! Your friend Russell sent me to your blog. Ah, yes, Brandywine - I have a friend who finally smartened up and planted 15 Brandywines - why bother with anything else? Who cares about early or prolific? The flavor is incomparable. Next year, I'm copying her!

  2. What nice single white roses. I always think of roses as something to cut and bring indoors, except for Lady Banks, of course. In other people's gardens I see lots of shrub roses, usually white, probably Iceberg. Your little white ones are lovable.

    Ralph has been harvesting tomatoes for weeks already. He brought me four yesterday and he said he picked thirty. Is it because of our different climates?

  3. I've never seen eggplant before, I had no idea it was such an ornamental plant. Now I kind of want one. Don't you love when the hummingbirds visit? Nice of you to lay out a buffet for them.


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