Monday, February 15, 2010

Bloom Day, February 15, 2010

It's the 15th of the month, the day garden bloggers share what's blooming in their gardens. Thanks for visiting to see what's blooming in the MulchMaid's garden today.
 Old faithful rosemary. But what a great blue bloom against its sage-green leaves. I never tire of this one.

Several camellia japonicas were here when we bought the house. They are showing lots of color, but not yet opening wide.

I should be grateful for their color at this time of year: it's a huge (some might say overwhelming?) amount of pink when it happens.

The dwarf sarcoccoa is still in bloom, and sending its pungent scent into the garden. This is an excellent small selection: sarcoccoca hookeriana var. humilis.

Archtostaphylos 'Austin Griffiths' is blooming with its characteristic urn-shaped flowers.
I'm cheating with these last two plants, since I bought them just two days ago at the Portland Yard Garden and Patio show. But next year they'll be legitimate February bloomers in my garden, I hope.
Above is grevilla juniperina 'Low Red'. It looks like a rosemary, but those "leaves" are as prickly as a cactus! I love the spiky red flowers. 'Low Red' will grow about five feet wide but only 18 inches high – the perfect ground cover under my olive tree.
This is scilla natalensis. I fell for its fat, bulbous base and the tall bloom spike already starting to color. I'm looking forward to seeing just what emerges!
Happy Bloom Day! Visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens to see what else is in bloom around the world today.


  1. Great Bloom Day presentation. Good choices on the new plants and it isn't cheating.

    Enjoyed the Garden show pics, too. The contrasting plants are wonderful, aren't they?

  2. aloha,

    wow, you presented alot of beautiful blooms today...congratulations and what a show

  3. I was having a discussion two weeks ago about Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis, whether or not the taste of the rosemary changes after it flowers such as it does with Basil. Any ideas if it does? We have a rosemary, for eating and I am not certain if I should keep trying to pluck off the flowers.

    Love those Camallias btw. - Matti

  4. Hi Jane~~ Nice photos. I have a Grevillea banksii in a container. It did fine under cover on my deck during the cold snap except that the buds never did open. Darn.

    My rosemary is behind yours and still in bud. It suffered stem die back during the cold snap but it's still kicking.

    It's supposed to be nice this week. I certainly hope the weather people are right.

  5. Oh Camelias! I'm swooning! They are so lovely. Also that scilla natalensis is really exotic looking.

  6. Love your "cheaters". Hmmm...may have to give Grevillea another try. Maybe third time's the charm.

  7. I have rosemary growing in the perennial beds but I have never looked at the flowers up close. They are really pretty:)

  8. That scilla natalensis is so interesting! I've never seen one before - curious to see what it'll look like in full bloom. Thanks for sharing your garden with us!

  9. If your cheating then so am I! No, I didn't tell you that I bought the Grevillea, I hadn't yet when I saw you. But I had been obsessing about it and went back on Sunday and got it (I was already there for another seminar), so glad I did! I love the Camelias, you are lucky to have more than one. I was really excited when I saw that I'd inherited one in the front garden. It was nice to chat with you at the show!

  10. Great finds at the show! And neat that you and Loree saw each other there. That rosemary is more than pretty, it provides important winter food for over-wintering hummingbirds (at least it does in my garden) when not a lot else is available to sustain them. Not sure why it blooms in winter as well as summer - do you know?? Anyway, not complaining. Happy (belated) bloom day!

  11. I guess those beautiful camellias open up already. Wow ... I think I could already see the bright lovely colors.


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