Sunday, August 29, 2010


Here we are in the last few days of August, and finally we are getting some "fruit" at Longview Ranch. This is not to say all of it is - or necessarily ever will be - edible by the humans who live here. But the plants are busy working on production, so I have a few images to share.

A hand of cherry tomatoes ripens. Although all the MulchMaid's veggies got a very late start, I have enjoyed a few from this plant.

Seed pods on the canna. It would probably promote better flowering if I cut them off, but they're too interesting to axe.

Beefsteak-type tomato ripening. These will take awhile yet, so think positive thoughts for a long, warm September.

The fig is making lots of fruit. Earlier this summer I ate one from its breba crop. It was sweet and moist.

Some of these pretty Asian eggplants are nearly ready for harvest. I like them split and grilled with olive oil.

Grevilla 'Low Red' has been blooming non-stop since I acquired it in April. The wonderful seed pods that follow the blossoms turn from this green to a mahogany brown.

Chickadees and finches check every day to see whether the sunflower seeds are ready for their personal harvest.

My arbequina olive has two tiny olives on it. I so hope this little tree makes it through the coming winter.

The mahonia nervosa makes cute little berries immediately after blooming. They go away quickly, but I don't know where, or whether something is eating them.

Something is definitely eating these huckleberries. Mr. MulchMaid recently saw a red-shafted flicker poking away industriously at them. Like most creatures, they'll eat fruit much less ripe than we require it.  I wonder if they'll leave any to ripen for the humans at Longview Ranch.

What are you (or other wildlife) enjoying from your garden as August wanes?


  1. I like being grouped with the wildlife. The long wait is paying off with loads of squash, lemon cukes and basil. The ceremonial eating of 'Charlie', the first of what looks to be an avalanche of giant tomatoes...ahhh, summer.

  2. BIG wishes for a long warm (dry-ish) September (and October!)...but then you already knew I was with you on that one. It's good to know someone else leaves the canna seed pods on to. They are so fabulous! As are those Grevilla pods! I didn't discover mine until they had already turned mahogany. The most popular fruit in my garden right now though is the Laurel berries. Birds love them, and either leave them 1/2 eaten or leave lots of purple poo behind just to let us know they are enjoying them. Unfortunately Lila likes them too, and I believe they are poisonous to dogs (or at least the pit is). So the poor girl is tied up now in her own back yard.

  3. Hmm... I'll have to look and see if there are any feathered "friends" chomping away at my huckleberries. I've got the berries: blue, rasp and straw ripening every day. And cherry tomatoes. I've got a small fig tree so maybe next year.

    My fingers are crossed for your olive's winter survival.


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