Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, March 2011 - it's PINK!

There's a limited but encouraging amount of bloom at Longview Ranch this month. And the theme is definitely pink. I think I must be subtly influenced by Grace of Gardening with Grace (I recommend visiting her blog if you haven't already!) who is pink's unabashed fan and convincing advocate.

Camellia x 'April Kiss' has small bright pink blossoms.

Ribes sanguinium is in full flower, although a needed pruning last fall cut back on the quantity of buds this year (note to self: don't wait until fall, next time.)

Two Camellia japonica cultivars we inherited are reliable spring bloomers. They even get a little protection from our soffits which helps keep the blooms unblemished from rain, at least for awhile.

Daphne odora 'Marginata' has been blooming for almost two months now. I can appreciate the sweet smell so much more now that I can be out in the garden on dry days.

Arctostaphylos 'Austin Griffiths' urn-shaped blossoms are bravely holding on during these wet spells we've had.

What looks like interesting speckles on this Hellebore (cultivar unknown) are actually just mud splashes from the relentless rainy periods we've had! This plant gets relatively little sun, so it seems to be about three to four weeks behind most of the Portland Hellebores I've seen.

Finally, and most decidedly not pink, Rosemarinis officinalis gears up for its major spring show.

See what other garden bloggers have blooming in their gardens by visiting Carol at May Dreams Gardens on the 15th of every month.

Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day to you!


  1. Wow you are being a girly girl this bloomday with all that pink! I guess I'd better ask the pros for an id on what Manzanita I ended up with because our bloom color couldn't be more different. I'm jealous you have a living Rosemary. I'm going on 2 killing winters in a row now. Maybe this year will be the year when I purchase a replacement that lives. Oh and btw I posted a bit of a disclaimer so you weren't hunted down by any rabid Pieris fans. I hope you know I was just having fun with you!

  2. Thank you for the link-love Jane! You've got more pink in your garden than I do in mine at present. Your blossoms are an elixir. I concur on the Daphne. I've got a little bouquet of them beside me and they're just delicious.

  3. Yes, Grace is winning me over to the pink side, too. Screaming red is still my flower color of choice, though.

  4. Lovely specimen! our camellia has yet to bloom, but it happens to be "PINK". ;)

  5. Isn't it amazing how many variations on pink there are, and just how violently they can clash with each other sometimes? Maybe it's just me. I mostly go for intense, hot-pants pink but have grown to love softer pink camellias, particularly the little-flowered ones like your April Kiss. Happy bloom day!

  6. Wow. Lots of color. You're a couple of weeks ahead of us. I like the "April" camellias; they're dependably hardy here in Zone 7.Not all japonicas are.

  7. Just wonderful...I'm enjoying flowers vicariously through you this month! Love Daphne, that scent is just heavenly...I'm so grateful my neighbor has some...I just walk by on the way to the bus and inhale deeply! Love the Ribes..that's when I REALLY know spring has arrived in PDX...when I see all these blooming around town. Oh, and it wouldn't be Portland if our blooms weren't just a little be splattered with mud ;-)


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