Monday, August 15, 2011

Bloom Day, August 2011

Summer is at its peak in Portland. We've had day after day of sun and warm weather, just perfect for all my heat-loving plants. Rather than move around the perimeter of the house as I usually do to show you what's blooming, today I decided to arrange my August blossoms by color, starting with red.

Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty' is past its prime, but a few new blossoms continue to open.

My inexpensive little Abutilon hybrid 'Tangerine' is covered with blooms.

In contrast, Clivia minata 'Belgian Hybrid Orange' has a restrained (but fabulous) four whole blooms. I'd grow Clivia for its gorgeous glossy foliage even if it didn't bloom.

I want to dive into the center of Zantedeschia 'Flame'.

Moving to apricot and pink, we find Agastache rupestris 'Apache Sunset'...

Agastache 'Acapulco Orange'...

A last little Lewisia blossom...

And Common Snowberry blossoms.

Magenta is covered by Cistus 'Sunset'.

In yellow we have Crocosmia 'Citronella'...

And a tiny Sisyrinchium californicum.

My first blooming pineapple lily, Eucomis pallidiflora ssp pole-evansii, moves us into green.

Blue is represented by Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue', just beginning to open, and...

 Hyssopus officinalis 'Dwarf Blue', new this year, and filling in nicely.

Eryngium 'Jade Frost' is trending to purple...

And an Asian eggplant flower is straight ahead purple. I shot this photo upside down, so the sky is illuminating the flower from above.

Bloom Day is hosted by Carol of May Dreams Gardens. Click over to take a look at what's in bloom elsewhere across the nation and around the world today.

Happy August Bloom Day!


  1. You have some real interesting and beautiful blooms here! My lewisias have not rebloomed at all this year but are a real favorite. The abutilon is wonderful... love the color! The crocosmia has really captured my eye as well... very nice! Larry

  2. I love the way you have chosen to organize this post. Now if we could just see a shot of the photographer in the process of taking that last shot!

  3. I often wonder about plant names that seem so arbitrary, not the case with your Zantedeschia 'Flame'...gorgeous!

  4. Beautiful...don't you just love 'Black & Blue', though it would be nice if it got going ealier! That is my fave Helenium (I thought that's what I bought a few years ago, turned out to be another variety...oh well). That Eryngium is stunning...I need to find a way to add some to my garden.

  5. What a clever and entertaining way to display your bloomers, Jane. Although I'm not a huge fan of yellow I really like your yellow Crocosmia. And that Abutilon is to die for. Your purple eggplant flower looks like crepe paper--so delicate. I hope it produces a nice fat fruit for you. :) Great post.

  6. They are all absolutely stunning, wonderful post. Glad to have stumbled upon your blog :) I will return often, have a wonderful day. Best, Shea


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