Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bloom Day, February 2012

What mild weather we've had for the past month! It's not exactly balmy, but many shrubs are blooming this February Bloom Day. In fact, almost every plant I showed this month last year is included this month, except for a few sad demises. Here goes:

Camellia x 'Winter's Snowman' continues its show from the past few months.

I'm glad the plants have decided to bloom well into the new year...that's when I need and really enjoy them the most.

Little Rosemarinus prostratus 'Bonnie Jean' is making tiny purple-blue flowers.

Even when temperatures are considerably colder, Rosemary is a winter performer.

Vinca minor (some the straight species and some 'Bowles Mauve') are taking hold, I fervently hope. Many people are aghast that I want to encourage this rampant spreader, but I have such an inhospitable location (with local dogs and their pee-mail) that I am ready to encourage almost any ground cover that will survive (no thank you on the Bishop's Weed, however!)

Vaccinium ovatum 'Thunderbird' is just opening.

Arctostaphylos x 'Austin Griffiths'.

The scent of Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis is perfuming my front garden and doorway. These tiny flowers are hardly noticeable, but their powerful scent can't be missed.

That's it for Bloom Day here at Longview Ranch. Click over to our host, Carol, at May Dreams Gardens to see what else is in bloom today. Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Are you sure I can't interest you in a little Bishops Weed???

    My Arctostaphylos x 'Austin Griffiths' hasn't even got buds yet, but then again it bloomed white last year so who knows what it might really be.

    Love your Camellia x 'Winter's Snowman' it really is the perfect Camellia, fine show!

  2. Beautiful blooms for the middle of February. Spring is getting closer...

  3. LOVE the Arctostaphylos (even if I can't spell it for the life of me)! I just realized that there is some Sarococca planted in a street planter that I walk by every single day downtown...and have never noticed it, until I walked by the other day and was hit with the!

  4. My east facing Camilla have a while to go yet. I really love that 'Winter snowman'
    I'm looking out for Rosemary 'Arp' this year. Lots of it...dotted around the back garden. Seems like it will take doggie damage.

  5. I love that you have so much blooming right now! Flowers seem more special this time of year, don't they? Last night I detoured through a local community garden while walking home, and it was such a pleasure to see things in bloom there. (It was also really a pleasure to see that some folks had veggies overwintering, rather than empty beds covered with burlap... but I have a soft spot for kale.)


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