Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bloom Day, January 2013

It's slim pickings in the garden this cloudy, cold Bloom Day. After a milder than usual December, January in Portland, Oregon looks a little nastier and less floriferous. But there are a few blooms for Bloom Day, including several you saw last month:

Rosemarinus prostratus 'Bonnie Jean'. This grows on the south side of our house, so I only see it when I walk around the garden. If I had more sun near either door, I'd happily move it to where I could enjoy its bright blue flowers as I come and go in the winter months.
The proud flowers of Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' got iced over the last three cold nights. I'm sure the buds that open later will be fine if we don't have a repeat freeze at exactly the wrong time.

Several blooms on Rosa 'Perle d'Or' are hanging on in a covered area.

Daphne odora 'Variegata' is showing lots of color, though not yet fully open.

The remnants of Fatsia japonica blooms still adorn the plants near the front door.

Indoors, an Aglaonema is blooming.

And the Schlumbergera is putting out a solitary, intensely orange bloom.

Visit our host, Carol, at May Dreams Gardens to see what's happening in other January gardens. Happy Bloom Day!


  1. I'm intrigued that the freeze has made your Camellia flower look like it's made of jello! I think I might have a couple of pathetic supermarket primroses blooming out there, and nothing else. I'm going to have to wait till February to show anything off.

  2. Camellias always hold back some buds for the next warm spell, clever of them. I first met Daphnes in a garden center because of the fragrance. Negative posts about how they just faint and fall over made me afraid to try.

    Schlumbergera is just finishing up here. Kalanchoes are taking their place. Love that orange, mine are paler.

  3. It's such a thrill to see a rose still blooming in our area! And I frowned over your poor camellia blossom. I enjoy your blog!

  4. Nice blossoms, Jane. Your Daphne is way ahead of mine. Let's hope for a warm-up soon!

  5. What a fabulous schlumbergera! That color is just gorgeous...

  6. I'm looking foward to my baby 'Perle d'Or' producing some blooms one day . It is spending the winter in a nice pot...haven't decided where to plant it.
    I've moved blog !

  7. Yummy photos, Jane. Why, oh why have I no Daphne in my garden? Seems every time I set out to buy one, I get sidetracked by something else.

  8. Gotta love agaves.....and cats. Our camellias were trashed too, but the japonicas are starting to flower.


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