Saturday, February 16, 2013

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, February 2013

A glorious, sunny Bloom Day found me with a few minutes to take pictures but not quite enough time to post them, so here I am a day late with my report.

First the indoor flowers:
Aloe dorotheae, with no orange left in her foliage, but a fleeting and welcome orange bloom.

Streptocarpus NOID.
Outside, the tiny flowers in a planter full of Sarcoccoca hookeriana var. humilis perfume the air and attract bees. If you don't have room for the larger Sarcoccoca, this one is a good smaller choice.

Rosemarinus prostratus 'Bonny Jean' in another front garden planter.

Daphne odora 'Marginata' - one flower cluster has just opened in time for Bloom Day.

And the soft pink urn-shaped flowers of Arctostaphylos x 'Austin Griffiths' are just opening as well.
The astounding Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' keeps pumping out blooms. I saw lots of these featured at the recent Yard, Garden and Patio Show - it's no wonder!

I'm signing off this post with the hope that you visit our host Carol, at May Dreams Gardens, to enjoy a look at lots of other bloomers for February.


  1. I bet your garden is smelling good about now Jane!

  2. Flowers everywhere! I like the new look.

    1. Flowers feel so much more important this time of year.

  3. I like those Sarcocooca flowers with the pink tips. Mine are all Sarcococca confusa. They smell wonderful! Your Yuletide Camellia is just covered with flowers, so pretty.

    1. The thing about the pink tips is you only see them if you get up close and personal - along with the bee population!

  4. Fabulous flowers Jane! Your earlier pictures of Camellia s. 'Yuletide' made me get another one to try in my garden!

    1. I hope Yuletide is successful for you this time, Outlaw!

  5. Wanted to let you know I found your blog via Belle Grove Plantation and to congratulate you on the grace and generosity of your donation to them.

  6. You have a nice selection of flowers for Bloom Day. I must look for that 'Aloe dorotheae' that is almost my namesake! And 'Yuletide' is a great camellia. So many blooms. We planted ours last year and it bloomed early and long!

  7. I think our neighborhood is behind everyone neighbor's Daphne has yet to least if my nose is any indicator ;-)

  8. Yuletide seems to be the plant of the year...I'm seeing it everywhere. Your last photo would close the deal if one were in doubt.

  9. My garden is always behind in the blooming, I'm still waiting for Camilla and Daphne

  10. Lovely blooms. That Camellia is really outdoing itself isn't it? Gorgeous! And my Daphne is just behind yours. I'm hoping for scent very soon.

  11. I am always looking for posts that will inspire me,take me in new directions. The photos are great and have given me some new ideas. Thank you for sharing.


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