Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What a difference ten days makes!

When we left town for warmer climes on the 19th of April (more on that in a later post),  the garden was opening day by day, and I knew we would see changes when we returned.
But I was completely unprepared for the amount of growth, flowering and fullness my garden showed by the time we returned at the end of the month, just ten days later.

Iris x pacifica 'This Ring' (front) and Iris tenax had popped!
So, also, had Camassia quamash, in the loveliest range of blues. I had been waiting for these blooms since last spring.

Our young Cornus x 'Eddies White Wonder' was living up to its name.

Lettuce seedlings were in dire need of thinning.

I missed our garden bloggers plant exchange, but I came home to find a few items I scored at last year's two exchanges strutting their stuff:

A froth of bloom topped Saxifraga x urbinium 'Aureopunctata' (thank you, Loree!)

The beautiful chocolatey blooms of Aquilegia vulgaris 'Black Barlow' (thank you, Anne!)

Its flowers are quite unlike wild columbines.

And Acanthus spinosa is already forming several blooms (thank you, Ricki!)

For April Bloom Day, I had one bright orange bloom on Helianthemum 'Henfield Brilliant'.  Just look at her now.

Early this spring, I relocated Eucomus comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' to a sunnier, hotter location. It seems to approve of the move.

Lewisia cotyledon 'Sunset Series'.

I love the soft, gray, downy foliage of Convolvulus cneorum and keep trying, in spite of having lost three previously. My small, fourth attempt is finally coming out of its winter sulk with some fresh new leaves.

It never occurred to me that Luzula nivea would bloom, but I saw the beginnings of flower buds before we left. Now in full bloom, they have an artless, wild look I like.

I commented yesterday that after ten days in Southern California, I was surprised at how happy I was to be back in the Pacific Northwest. I vow to appreciate how lucky I am to be able to garden here, as well (okay, at least until the next round of spring rainstorms!)


  1. There's nothing like coming home to make us appreciate what we have. I always marvel at how strange and yet also familiar everything is. Your garden is looking good. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you at the exchange, but judging by the pictures and comments on Facebook, it sounds like you had a very nice trip.

  2.'s SO TRUE! I was looking a some photos from a few weeks ago, when it seemed like there was nothing but bare dirt...and now it's practically a garden already. LOVE the Iris...and Camassia FTW!

  3. That helianthemum makes me swoon. Everything looks wonderful!

  4. You picked the perfect time to go away, no worries about watering, and with all this lovely weather we are having everything is at it's freshest just now! Invite is still open for a visit sometime !

  5. Jane your garden looks wonderful! I'm curious if your Lewisia are starting to fade to pink? Mine started out a deep orange and then became the same shade as yours and now are a pink tone. It's been interesting to watch them.

  6. I love that Helianthemum! Also 'Eddie's White Wonder'. Is that a C. Florida variety?

  7. I find it hard to tear myself away from the garden in spring, but that surprise package after a few days' absence might make it worthwhile. Even walking the grounds almost daily, the changes are pretty surprising. Welcome back! And give me a call (503-248-9670) when you would like to meet in town.

  8. I was glad I live up here after visiting San Diego 20 years after leaving there. Smog, traffic, air quality, effects of too much sun..... my Columbines are blooming too, yours are lovely.


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