Thursday, August 15, 2013

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, August 2013

I simply could not believe it when I realized today was the 15th of the month!

It's Bloom Day, once again, and summer is racing past me at a breakneck pace. So I'm going to keep my post fairly short, and just show you flowers that you haven't already seen this year.

We are completely thrilled to announce that our Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) seems to like it in the Northwest Territory. The flowers really are that amazing, saturated red. It's practically electric!

This late-blooming Crocosmia is variously known as 'Citron' and 'Golden Fleece'. Whatever you choose to call it, it's a welcome, fresh hit of bright golden-orange in late August.

Another late-summer bloomer is Langerstroemia 'Natchez'. We moved it in early spring, and I was wondering how it would do this year, but our long hot summer was just the ticket to blooming success.

Crape myrtles seem underused in Portland, but I have always loved their slightly Southern charms. I'm looking forward to some beautiful bark as this one matures, too.
I'm sure I've shown Sisyrinchium californicum in a Bloom Day post this year, but I really can't resist adding these shots. They are such cheerful summer-long bloomers and they support pollinators, too. No wonder we have so many volunteers!

I wait all year for Canna 'Pretoria' to bloom. It's fleeting, but timed perfectly for August's Bloom Day.

One of the Penstemons added to the Northwest Territory is finally blooming. I'm pretty sure this is P. serrulatus, or Cascade Penstemon.

Last, an anomaly: Loropetalum chinense 'Sizzling Pink' is sending out a few fluttery flowers. Its main bloom time is April, so this little surprise is welcome in the heat of summer. I love the bright magenta flowers against its dark purple foliage.

Bloom Day is hosted monthly by Carol of May Dreams Gardens. Pop over there to see other wonderful flowers for August!


  1. I love that Indian paintbrush ! Have to look out for that one!

    1. Be sure to get it in a pot with a "friend". It needs that microbial exchange with another plant. Ours came from Bosky Dell.

  2. Your blooms are all beautiful but the clear red/orange of your Indian Paintbrush steals the show! Not an easy task as the canna and crocosmia are also stars! Happy weekend!

  3. So excited about your Indian's a fascinating plant...and I love that Penstemon!

  4. Wow Jane what a show! Of course the paintbrush is the star but (same as for Peter) the canna and crocosmia aren't far behind.

  5. Love the Indian Paintbrush! This flower has sentimental value for us because Judy and I saw so much of it during our honeymoon in New Mexico.

    1. Happy to be contributing to well-loved memories, Jason!

  6. Indian paintbrush is always a thrill when spotted in the wild, but to have it growing right at home is beyond exciting. I'm enjoying the Crocosmia 'Golden Fleece' as well. Must have come from you, so Thanks.

  7. The Indian Paintbrush has an awesome colour, almost glow in the dark. Beautiful.

  8. What a nice collection! The crocosmia is perfection and the yellow-eyed grass is delightful. I don't see that many other postings of the loropetalum which has become one of my favorites too.

  9. I can't believe your Loropetalum is blooming again! I'm so jealous you have a crape myrtle--they are so beautiful. I'm going to echo Ricki and say thank you for the 'Golden Fleece,' it's such a nice shot of yellow right now.

    1. Id forgotten I gave our starts at our plant exchange. Glad you're enjoying them!!

  10. Would love to see a photo of the crepe myrtle that shows the whole tree. I hope to have Natchez in my yard some day! Lovely!

    1. Julie, it's really more of a medium-size shrub right now. I hope it will grow tall and statuesque, but the natural multi-trunked vase shape appeals to me more than the tree form we had in the past, so that's what we're aiming for.

  11. Beautiful plant, no words to describe it. nice to meet a person who also likes flowers. Greetings from Poland.

  12. Nice flowers for bloom day. I am seeing more Crape Myrtles all the time. There is a deep, voluptuous red one right next to the courthouse in downtown. I have got to get over and get a photo of those outstanding blooms. I love Loropetalum but my poor plants are so picky. I've got two of them in containers and maybe I should just put them in the ground and let them duke it out. There is a PINK Indian Paintbrush I want to get my grimy hands on. :)


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