Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall color shift

It's been weeks since I last posted, and while I took time off, the weather here in Portland took a decided turn to the cooler and wetter. But the sun returned today for one of those glorious fall days and it was a fine opportunity to take a closer look at the garden.

Though not a lot has changed in the broad sense yet, you can see the small changes in the shifting color of foliage.

Yellow-greens are being bleached out to pale golds and wheat colors.

Some take on a hint of pink or violet.

Some greens are turning an unabashed golden orange, like Poncirus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon'.

Other greens are edged in red, or a softer shade of yellow.

Cooler nights are encouraging stronger colors in many of the succulents.

These leaves were bright green two weeks ago.

I'm intrigued by the color changes in Crocosmia seedheads.

Maybe it's that special autumn light, but Melianthus major 'Antonow's Blue' almost seems to glow.

Crabapple fruits shine in the late afternoon sun.

And yet, really, not much has changed in the bigger picture.

It's a wistful time of year for me as I reluctantly bid goodby to summer and prepare for winter. It helps that my garden is doing it in such beautiful small steps.


  1. A celebration of fall! It does have its colorful moments.

    1. I cling to fall's colorful moments as a balm against the oncoming winter, Alison.

  2. I really enjoyed your seeing your fall colors...superb photos.

    1. Thanks, Charlie! I imagine Seattle is looking similarly colorful.

  3. Oh Jane, you make it look so beautiful! That pot of succulents gave me heart palpitations.

  4. Beautiful! It was dark when I got home last night, I've peeked out the windows this morning but I'm looking forward to a closer inspection of the garden for just these kind of changing details a bit later. I do feel a bit robbed that I missed such a glorious weekend here in Portland, and possibly our last 70 degree day!

    1. I'm sorry you missed the lovely weekend, Loree, but I have to believe we WILL have more good weather before October is over.

  5. Autumn puts on a spectacular show to compensate for what's to come. You have captured it perfectly.

    1. Autumn is the only thing that makes winter bearable, Ricki. Well, that, and spring following behind it, of course!

  6. Things are certainly changing all of a sudden. I was in my yard today and was thinking about this post... it made me realize, my color is definitely green. Maybe too obvious, but despite changes all around me, everything here is green. Kind of like your last "big picture" shot. Your yard is looking stunning. I looove your melianthus!

    1. There's certainly a part of me that wants green, green, green, Louis. I didn't take pictured in the Northwest Territory, because it IS still so green that it didn't illustrate my theme...

  7. Nice photos of the subtle changes in color. It seems fall can come so slowly, then suddenly it is in full force, then just as suddenly it is winter.

    1. That's exactly what I was noticing only four days after posting this, Jason.

  8. With every post about Flying Dragon it gets more and more tempting. What a beautiful array of colors you have!

    1. 'Flying Dragon' is a great choice for a pot and a fairly slow grower - now I'm slightly regretting buying such a small one.


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