Saturday, March 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - March 2014

I really thought I'd have more blooming this month. I mean, everything was budding up and looking so promising on Bloom Day in February. But now, a whole month later, I have only a few new blossoms to show you. I am grateful we're not buried under inches of snow (like some of the unfortunate Midwest bloggers still are) - read on to savor this almost-entirely-pink Bloom Day post.

Camellia japonica 'April Kiss'. This shrub is one of many we put in to create privacy from our neighbors' driveway, and she's finally rising to the challenge and looking darn nice doing it.

I like this Camellia because the blooms are smaller, and often perfectly symmetrically formed.

In other japonica action, the heritage Camellias we got with the house are doing their reliable spring thing. There's a light pink one and a deep pink one.

The Mulch Man is their staunch defender, so after pruning and caring for them all year, he gets the credit for their blooms this month. 

Arctostaphylos 'Austin Griffiths' looked to be on his final gasp of blooms last month, but he's come back again with a fresh flush this month.
Lewisia cotyledon is just beginning to show some washed-out color. This lovely native features in my header picture and it's one of my favorite plants in the garden.

My first Tulipa tarda. I love the little species tulip blooms.
 Daphne odora 'Marginata' is still pumping out its exquisitely scented flowers.

It's rather a gawky shrub, but I'm showing it so you can see how surprisingly well it came through our two cold snaps. I expected it to lose most of its leaves, but it looks almost undamaged.

Finally, my only flower today that isn't pink! Mahonia repens is finally opening.

Bloom Day is graciously hosted on the 15th of each month by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Pop on over to see what other gardeners have blooming today, and cheer on the Midwest gardeners - their spring WILL come.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Wow, your Lewisia is blooming? That's great! Lookin' good, Mulchmaid! Love those blooms!

  2. Happy bloom day, Mulchmaid. You're definitely in the pink! I'm glad that one of Mulchman's titles is Defender of the Japonicas as they are so gorgeous!

  3. I'm even further behind in the blooming , My Camellias are just now beginning : and Lewisia is no were near blooming , though I think I'll have a closer look today ! Happy bloom day Jane

  4. That is a beautiful Lewisia in your header photo! Kudos to the Mulch Man for those camellias. I love that light pink one. Happy GBBD!

  5. I'm glad you called attention to that particular lewisia in your header. What a beautiful native.

  6. Lovely Camellias. I'm really surprised to see that you have a Lewisia out. I love the Lewisia on your header. Is it a favourite flower?

  7. Your Camellias are beautiful. They have purpose, too. Mine just hang around as specimens.

  8. Your Lewisia cotyledon is gorgeous. I have admired your header picture and wow, that is one stunner of a plant. Great native! Happy GBBD!

  9. Seriously? Your Lewisia is already blooming, your garden is magical!

  10. Wonderful flowers. Mulch Man is worth keeping if he cares for Camellias that well. Happy Bloom Day!

  11. Like the others, I can't believe your lewisia are blooming! What the what!

  12. So that's what Camellia 'April Kiss' looks like when the deer don't devour it. I had to cage mine in hopes that it would grow above their reach. Love your blooms!

  13. Manzanitas and camellias in the same garden are all I need for blooms. A little tired of trailing rosemary and gopher plant here!

  14. I was just thinking what a yellow season spring is, but this post shows me what my aversion to pink hath wrought. I may need to rethink that whole thing. Your pinks are lovely, especially when they are creeping toward orange, as the Lewisia does.


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