Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - July 2014

This past weekend, I have been on a whirlwind tour of garden visits through the 2014 Garden Bloggers Fling. This year the Fling happened in Portland, and I was thrilled to be part of the team planning events. We enjoyed visits to gardens, both private and public, combined with nursery visits and tons of plant talk with over 80 garden-obsessed bloggers. It was great!

But my garden has been getting short shrift. Luckily, it seems to be doing all right with some kind attention and watering by the Mulch Man, and has entered high summer's bloom time with exuberance! Let's take a quick tour, with minimal notes to slow us down.

Zantedeschia 'Flame'.

Kniphofia 'Timothy'.

I bought this pretty fringed pink as Dianthus noeanus, but its proper name is apparently Dianthus petraeus var. noeanus. I also discovered this year that it has the sweetest smell, completely unlike any Dianthus I've ever smelled before with none of the clove-y quality you might expect. Heaven!

Phygelius 'Passionate', with a friend guarding his nectar stash.

It's time for the Crocosmia parade. Crocosmia 'Lucifer'.

Crocosmia 'Corona'.

Crocosmia pottsii 'Culzean Pink' with Eucomus comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy'.

Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty'.
Not quite blooming but coming right along, Eucomus pallidiflora ssp. pole-evansii.

The cross-breeding Eryngium conundrum: I think this is still E. planum 'Jade Frost'.

Eringium variifolium.

Agastache 'Apricot Sprite'.

The seemingly ever-blooming Lewisia cotyledon.

A couple of Feverfew plants light up a dark area.

Last, a couple of the Sunflowers I planted to protect a newly-transplanted Podocarpus macrophyllus from summer sun aren't doing that yet, but they are pretty cheerful anyway.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is hosted by the lovely Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Pop over for a visit to see what's blooming elsewhere around the nation and the world.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Happy GBBD, Jane! You have lots of very pretty flowers. I hope you can relax now and enjoy your garden for the rest of the summer.

    1. Relaxation has commenced, Alison. We missed you this year - I hope you'll enjoy the blog posts from other attendees, as I was a bit distracted for optimum documentation ;-)

  2. Glad to get the ID on that Calla; I took a photo at Oregon Garden on my way up to PDX Thursday and was hoping to beg the name..and look-here it is ! Hope some relaxation is in your future...kudos to you and the team.

    1. Thank you, Kathy! Glad I could provide that ID on my calla originally from Joy Creek!

  3. Love those oranges! How do you get your Lewisia to bloom all summer? Nice pics...thanks for sharing!

    1. I have no idea why my Lewisia keeps blooming, Tamara, but I'm glad it does!

  4. Hadn't seen 'Jade Frost' before, so I must look to add it to my Eryngium collection. Everything is lovely, so beautiful!

    1. I'm disappointed that my 'Jade Frost' has lost the pretty rose-colored foliage edging, but the blooms are still spectacular.

  5. Very cool dianthus - and those crocosmia - amazing!

    1. I'm actually kind of in love with Crocosmia 'Corona'. It came from Far Reaches, if you want to order it...

  6. I love all your hot colours and that Dianthus is divine. It is a bit spooky, I have featured a Kniphofia 'Timothy', an apricot Agastache and an Eryngium this month too. Great minds think alike!

    1. And the same plants will bloom for both of us!

  7. I did see a Flame calla locally but out of bloom, and would have been so disappointed if it was mislabeled so didn't buy it. Thanks again for all your work on the Fling -- it was magical!

  8. I cut all my Dianthus back after flowering …they're starting to bloom again, I'm going to give them a good sniff

  9. Great photos Jane! I thought about doing a right proper Bloomday post but so far just haven't worked up the energy or found the time. Oh how I can't believe it's mid July...

  10. Lovely blooms, Jane! Looks like the Mulch Man did a great job of maintaining the garden while you were away. I think the first plant that caught my eye when I arrived in Portland were all the crocosmias--you certainly have the most beautiful and biggest specimens I've ever seen. Thanks for all your hard work in organizing the Fling--it was amazing!

  11. All your oranges give me palpitations, but 'Flame' is a true heart stopper.

  12. Son unas flores preciosas, los girasoles me encantan. Saludos.


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