Sunday, March 15, 2015

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - March 2015

It's Bloom Day, hosted monthly by the lovely Carol at May Dreams Gardens.
Despite today's wind and rain, this has been a superbly warm and mostly dry month in Portland and the PNW, so there's lots in bloom to show.

First up, it's native Mahonia time at Longview Ranch. After teasing us with tight buds for several months, Mahonia nervosa repens is opening in full glorious yellow.

The wall of Mahonia aquifolium follows suite.
Already blooming last month, Vaccinium ovatum is now providing welcome food for local pollinators.

Loropetalum chinense 'Sizzling Pink', with a NOID Hellebore.

A Rosemary I planted to disguise a stop sign pole is covered with bloom.

A small Ribes sanguineum added last fall is surprising us by showing two blossoms. There's no keeping these natives down.
I have to laugh: every year after they bloom, I dig out these daffodils that are in the wrong spot. And every year in spring, they show me who's in charge by coming back stronger than ever.
Even the Arbequina Olive is getting into the early act by starting to form tiny flower buds already.

The first species tulip to open, Tulipa hageri x aucheriana 'Little Princess'.
I'll leave you with Camellia 'April Kiss', still blooming prolifically on this wet and windy March Bloom Day.

Check out the link to May Dreams Gardens at the top of the post for more March beauties.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. The Loropetalum is so pretty, I just love its fringed flowers. Happy GBBD!

  2. Beautiful Mahonia, and the Daffodil is gorgeous!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  3. All beautiful, but the Camellia is my favorite. I was looking at the weather radar last night or the night before, watching rain hammer Oregon. Sigh. So jealous!

  4. I bet the humming birds are as delighted with your mahonia as you are. I also love Loropetalum but it never seems really happy here. Maybe it wants more summer heat. Happy belated GBBD!

  5. Oh, that rosemary! You milder-climate gardeners might take it for granted, but if I ever move into a zone 8 garden it's the first thing I'm planting!

  6. Looks like you found a few rays of sunshine for your Bloom Day photo shoot. Looking good!

  7. I've got to add some mahonia. My hummingbirds would love it. Also..I have to say, that is a beautiful daffodil. The ones that I've seen that naturize well aren't normally so ornate. A keeper!

  8. Wow on your mahonia blooming! And, yes, I divide wayward bulbs each year, but they always come back in their original spots. Can't wait to meet you in Toronto!

  9. Wow, is that the Godzilla of rosemarys? (Or should I say rosemaries?) And that species tulip is a new one for me, I think I might have to put it on the list for next fall.

  10. So pretty, Jane. All the photos are great but I really love how you captured the bee having dinner. :)


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