Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day in the Northwest Territory

I remember the first Earth Day. I guess that dates me, but I feel privileged to have witnessed the formalization of the embrionic environmental movement on April 22, 1970.

Each of the following years has brought both veneration and abuse to the earth in seeming equal amounts.
Although I've had my share of "movement" experiences, these days it feels more important, environmentally, to focus on my own personal practices, like how I garden.

The Mulch Man does the same, and what we refer to as the Northwest Territory is his homage to the green, native environment he loved the minute he arrived in Oregon.
I love pushing the zonal envelope, but I do try to grow plants that need less water. Sometimes I bring those drought-tolerant plants home for the Northwest Territory, too.

It's been 45 years since that first Earth Day.
Have we learned the lessons we should have?
Are we staying open to the new environmental lessons?

I know we are enjoying the beauty our earth and our garden can show us.
Our regional natives are happy and flowering.

The Northwest Territory rewards us with little signs that we are on the right track, like these volunteer sword ferns.

New growth on the Mountain Hemlock is tiny but positive.

A volunteer Lewisia columbiana var. rupicola still thrives after appearing last summer.

On this Earth Day in 2015, I feel a kind of peace in the quiet Northwest Territory of Longview Ranch.

I hope your Earth Day is equally rewarding.


  1. Great post, thoughtful too. I would observe you have done a lot, especially if you have native volunteers sprinkled throughout the Northwest Territory! Great work, Mulchmaid! I agree with your methods, too, to focus on my own garden and how it impacts the earth. Happy Earth Day!

  2. I have a lot of drought tolerant and native shrubs and perennials here too. I don't actually remember the first Earth Day. I was 14, and paying attention to other things.

  3. You do what you can and it will have an impact. Volunteer ferns is not something I can relate to. :)

    Love the shot of the path up to the house! Just love it!

  4. Your garden looks simply wonderful and in good balance with its climate. I think you and Mr. Mulch have done great.

  5. Is it wrong that I can't get over the fact that you have a volunteer Lewisia??!!

  6. Happy Earth day! Volunteer ferns and lewisia is something to be very excited about.

  7. You lead by example, showing us how beautiful an earth-friendly space can be.

  8. Starting with our own personal environment is the most important. When I began gardening only organically, people thought I was cutting edge but I wasn't. I was actually as old school environmental as you could get. Your garden is beautiful and full of very happy plants. :o)

  9. Interesting how we can look at the growth in our gardens, and it helps to see at least the natural world is holding together. Even as clients or others, overwater or do otherwise against nature. Your space is a testimony to keep the eyes on the prize, and keep on.


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