Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday vignette - hot frost

I'm joining Anna at Flutter and Hum for her Wednesday meme, in an effort to warm up with the warmer, dryer days of summer. Although now I see that these massed Tillandsias do look a little frosty, in spite of the sweltering evening on which I took this shot.

I love the ferny smaller Tillandsias up high, and the clematis winding itself up and through the T. xerographica curls, as well as the little cactus punctuating the low wall. The comfy chairs and umbrella in the background hint of languid summer evenings spent outdoors.

This scene is in the garden of JJ DeSousa, a wildly inventive and talented interior and garden designer. If you attended the 2014 Portland Garden Bloggers Fling, you saw her distinctive garden, but I can assure you she is constantly recreating her mix. Every visit is different, and I enjoy keeping up with her changes each summer during the Hardy Plant Society Open Gardens.


  1. That is an amazing shot and superb arrangement!

  2. I saw that arrangement this summer too, and it's so cool! Good shot.

  3. And I enjoy you Portlanders keeping up with JJ's changes too!

  4. Those xerographicas are just so fantastic! I hope mine develops those long curls.

  5. Wow- those are some spectacular Tillandsias - love the corkscrews!

  6. That's an extremely cool Tillandsia display!


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