Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - March 2017

Holy smokes - it's mid-March and the rain just keeps coming down here in the Pacific Northwest! Let's dash outside for a quick look at the sodden blossoms finally emerging this month.

It's not in full bloom yet, but drippy Ribes sanguineum is making its presence known in the Northwest Territory.

Mahonia repens is SO ready to bloom but is only showing a bit of color so far.

My tiny Galathus nivalus 'Pewsey Vale' has sent up one lonely flower. I'm especially happy to see it since I thought I killed it over several moves. Maybe it will bulk up and give me two flowers next spring.

Camellia transnokoensis has pretty bi-color buds that open into little pure white flowers (except when they get bruised by the rain.).

Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' extends the holiday season into spring.

A NOID Hellebore did well this year, in spite of being buried in snow in January.

Soggy Daphne transatlantica 'Eternal Fragrance' bloomed most of last year,. It's on pace for a repeat this year, but it's too cold (or wet?) to smell any scent so far.

In contrast, Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis has been covering the front yard in perfume for weeks.
Culinary Rosemary blossoms brighten up the driveway planters.

The blossoms on Arctostaphylos 'Austin Griffiths' have been feeding the hummingbirds (and my hopes for spring) for two months now.

But the driest flowers are indoors. Here's Clivia miniata 'Belgian Hybrid Orange' making the living room sunny.
A tip of the hat to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for gathering the monthly show of blooms from gardener bloggers all over.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Beautiful Clivia! Mine has failed to bloom for the past two years.
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. My garden is so soggy too. I'm sick of it. I'm thinking my next Arctostaphylos will be 'Austin,' those are lovely flowers.

    1. And this year, especially, they are so long-lived.

  3. Happy spring... Eventually. I keep telling myself the rain is preferable to a drought. But it's really wearing on me. Pretty blossoms.

  4. Will someone please turn the sprinklers off? Your blooms seem to be taking the perpetual rain in stride. Neither my clivias nor my Ribes sanguineum is as far along as yours.

  5. I'm trying to stay philosophical about the rain. I'll be missing it this summer. But I'm really itching to do more in the garden. Most of the Ribes I grew from cuttings last year are leafing out, but no blooms for at least a couple more years, I imagine. I cut my Eternal Fragrance back hard because it was leggy and broken by the snow, so no blooms until it grows back. Your Arctostaphylos and rosemary are beautiful!

  6. You PNW'ers have had it much worse than we Norcal'ers and I guess now that we seem to be over all the flood warnings and torrential downpours I'm hoping all of us along the west coast can look forward to some dry times ! We've had several days with sun so far though the forecast is bleak for next week. Just want to get my mulch spread!

  7. Nice. So happy to see these encouraging blooms. Maybe some day it will stop raining.

  8. Beautiful flowers, Jane. I got rid of my orange clivias for space reasons but have some coming up from seed again. Yours is so pretty.

    Hoping my 'Austin Griffiths' blooms like yours when/if it survives here.

    No doubt it will dry out suddenly and all of the PNW will burst into bloom. That will be a time to remember!

  9. Kudos for braving the rain, your garden is looking marvelous!

  10. Love those orange Clivia - really brightens up a cloudy day.

  11. Splish splash...know how they spritz the veggies at the grocery store to keep them looking fresh? Seems to be working along the same lines in your garden.


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