Monday, January 15, 2018

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - January 2018 - with bonus bugs!

I didn't even post last month for Bloom Day. I guess I'd just had enough of 2017, and was happy to leave it behind. Now it's January - a new year, a new season of gardening, and I'm already stoked to get started in the garden again.

So let's see what's out there on this uncharacteristically dry day in the middle of winter.

Lewisia cotyledon 'Sunset Series' is flowering! You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw it. This just shows you how mild our winter has been so far. It's so different from last year at this time when we had the-snow-that-would-not-go.

Arctostaphylos x  'Austin Griffiths' is enticing hummers from far and wide.

He's blooming right on time, although his flowers seem a little paler than last year.
The buds of Mahonia repens are just beginning to break. It's quite early; last year they weren't at this stage until March.
Fatsia japonica is still blooming, and it's swarming with flies! I can't smell anything foul that would attract them, but something apparently is irresistible about these blossoms.

It doesn't do much for me, aesthetically, to see flies all over the flowers but I do find it oddly fascinating.

 Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' rebounded after some cold, wet days and is blooming again.
Getting up close to shoot an individual flower, I noticed that there were some ants feeding on its nectar.

In fact, there were so many ants on each open flower, they looked like a new black detail in the center of the golden stamens.

Abutilon megapotamicum blossoms are another sign of our (so far) mild winter.
A few individual flowers persist on Rosemarinus officinalis 'Bonny Jean'. In case you were wondering, I will not be calling it Salvia any time in the near future.
The faithful Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' blooms on through winter.
My Hellebores are in deep shade, so they're always later than most people's. I just have fat buds, right now.

I'll close with the colorful buds of Camellia transnokoensis. When they do finally open, the flowers are almost pure white.

Bloom Day is sponsored by the lovely Carol, at May Dreams Gardens. Hop over there to see what's blooming elsewhere on this winter's day.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Very pretty!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. I have one Abutilon blossom too. And my Lewisias in pots have been blooming since last summer!! Your 'Yuletide' is gorgeous. I think spring is here. :)

  3. How weird with all those flies... Usually, you see bees in those flowers - rolling around like drunk Romans at a banquet. I've never seen flies - you'd think resident birds would have an absolute feast with that. I can't wait to see blooms on my Abutilon. Just got one last summer, so I'm grateful for our mild winter.

  4. How nice to have so many blooms and so much green. Happy GBBD.

  5. What an interesting post. Maybe there are more pollinators than we usually think about?

  6. Ants and flies: not the most charming of garden visitors but they probably signify that everything is humming along perfectly at Longview Ranch.

  7. Hi your garden is beautiful,none of the above plants can survive in our hot climate but still we have blooms .
    Happy Gardening

  8. I'm glad the new year has given you a new outlook :) How wonderful to have these blooms around! They are just gorgeous to see.

  9. lewisia...blooming now? Insanity! Those darn bugs should be sleeping..hmmm. It's been too warm. Your mahonia's are very inspiring. I sincerely hope I'll get one or two someday...Happy GBBD!

  10. Your Austin is especially stunning, Jane. And the flies and ants...very curious!

    Hooray for Lewisias blooming in January!


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