Friday, November 16, 2018

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - November 2018

All my flowers for November are blooms that looked better in my October Bloom Day post, so it's the trifecta of BD posts today: short, repetitive and late.  I'm very glad to still have some blooms in the garden, though, and this will be a good reference for December when even less will be blooming!

In the Northwest Territory, Erigeron glaucus is really on its last flowers of the year. Soon it will be time to cut it back for winter.

This big-box aster (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii) has just a few little blooms left. I'm leaving the faded flowers in hopes they will morph into those pretty aster seedheads, but so far they just look like brown blobs. I blame the rain.

Salal (Gaultheria shallon) is beginning to make those bright little urn-shaped flowers.

In the south back garden, Abutilon megapotamicum blooms on.

Since we haven't had a frost in my protected little neighborhood near the river, the bougainvillea continues to flower its in-your-face color.

And still, Agastache 'Acapulco Orange' is modestly flowering in the south front garden.

Pelargonium sidoides made it through last winter in the ground. Its slim little flowers are hard to appreciate until you get close up. I love the velvety, deep burgundy of the petals.

Anigozanthos 'Bush Ranger. I hope to winter over this pot of them, but if they don't make it, I'll go right out and get more in spring.

Echinacea 'Sombrero Red' is another plant I hope will winter over in the ground, but I have heard these fancy-pants hybrids don't reliably make it through the cold weather. It's another that I'll search out next year if I lose these.

Streptocarpus parviflorus was banished to the patio from inside the house this summer because of scale. Yes, the blooms are that intense.

It wouldn't be winter without some Rosemary blooms somewhere in the garden.

And last, no, these are not blooms. But I couldn't stop myself from sharing the gorgeous fall color of Lagerstroemia 'Natchez'. What a joy this tree has been for over a month!
Bloom Day is hosted on the 15th of the month by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

Happy (belated) Bloom Day!


  1. You have some amazing flowers, unusual ones. I had to check your profile to see where you lived, I thought it would be some exotic location! Well, it is for some people I guess, but I'm in Southern Oregon!

  2. Even though I'm reading this on December 15, I still don't have any Rosemary flowers. And those sweet little Salal flowers. I wish I could make that plant happy. I still have a few Abutilon megapotamicum flowers even now. Tough plant. I might have to get an Anigozanthos. What a gorgeous color.

  3. I've overwintered the kangaroo paw in the garage with little water, but not out in the elements. Loved your November garden!

  4. Beautiful color on those Lagerstroemia leaves. They rarely color up here.

    Love the dainty quality of that Pelargonium and the intensity of the Streptocarpus.


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