Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - December 2020

I've been MIA blog-wise lately, but I couldn't let this bizarre year end without just one more post. So here I am for a spare, wet Bloom Day, with just a few flowers to show.

First up, Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' is celebrating the holidays and has been for at least a month. It's as ready for some glitzy, festive distraction as I am.

A NOID Cuphea is celebrating the season with firecracker blossoms. It stopped flowering in September, but came right back into bloom with the autumn rains.

Vaccinium ovatum, our native huckleberry, is just beginning to bloom. We haven't had a real frost yet here at Longview Ranch, so I think it may be lulled into a false sense of spring.

Here's an out-of-season eyeful: Rhododendron 'Ahna Krushke' keeps pumping out multiples of these intensely fuchsia-colored flowers. It's nice to see her flowering now, because some planned garden renovations this winter will probably necessitate her removal.

It wouldn't be December without Rosemary blooms. In Astoria, I see the hummingbirds enjoying them, too.

This simple white hellebore (I've lost track of the name) is another plant that's been out of whack and blooming since at least August. It's finally getting to be the right time for it!

It's underwhelming in this photo, but the last flowering tips of Mahonia 'Soft Caress' provide a great hit of yellow I can see across the patio from my kitchen window.

Last, but hardly least, the fun, Sputnik flowers of Fatsia japonica.

That's it for my brief Bloom Day post, but there's lots more to see at May Dreams Gardens.

Happy Bloom Day, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!


  1. Zone 9 reporting--you have lots more blooms than I do Jane! We have had at least 20 frost events here-because it has only rained once so far this winter. All my Cupheas are toast .

  2. Pretty blooms .It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening here at

  3. Lots of interesting things to bring you outdoors to inspect -- well bundled up, I hope! My kids in Tillamook still say they love the weather in their second winter...

  4. Is there a more charming Camellia than 'Yuletide'? Nah...

    Happy New Year, Jane!

  5. Oh, your blooming garden looks beautiful. All i have right now is snow outside and indoor houseplants, which is where I am getting my green therapy. :) Happy 2021!


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