Monday, August 15, 2022

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day - August 2022

We're back in the Portland, Oregon, garden for Bloom Day this month. It's been hot and dry for a a good bit of the month, so things are looking a little played-out. But there are flowers out there for the observant. 

Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' has long ago lost most of her purple coloring, but at least she's upright. I understand many people have trouble with eucomis flopping; my "secret" is absolutely no supplemental water in summer. Works for me!

This is Bougainvillea 'Orange King'. If it lived in the ground in California, it might be more orange. In a pot in my Northwest garden it's trying hard, but it's mostly pink. I still love it.

This Echinacea came from seedlings found around E. 'Rainbow Marcella', but it doesn't seem to have inherited her changing colors. Still it's pretty, and it's satisfying some pollinators.

Here's more pink: Lapageria rosea is stingy with her blooms. She has to compete with a Trachycarpus, and the roots of bamboo, so I treasure every blossom.

And yet more pink: Hesperaloe parviflora adores life in my hell strip. I have several plants, but this one was a gift from The Practical Plant Geek at a swap a couple of years ago. It's definitely  the most robust of all my hesperaloes.

It's Agastache time! Here's A. rupestris, brightening up the front garden.

And A. 'Acapulco Orange'. Both make our resident hummers happy this time of year.

Cuphea (possibly 'Vermillionaire') is also feeding the hummers. This one dies down every winter, but comes back each summer in time to put out at least a few blooms.

A dormant rudbeckia that got surprise-moved into more sun in February along with the Podocarpus salignus is signaling its gratitude with bright golden blooms.

Speaking of that Podocarpus, look at the funny little flower buds it makes. I never see them looking "flower-like", but something is happening there.

Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Confederate Cream' is past its big bloom period, but it keeps putting out a steady smattering of blossoms. And they still smell great!

The statuesque bloom stalk of my Texas sotol, Dasylirion texanum, is as fluffy as ever, but the current lack of bees tells me it's getting past its prime. I love seeing it out my dining room window, and it attracts some attention from passersby.

I tend to overlook the flowers of grassy plants, but these seedheads on Cyperus alternifolius are hard to ignore.

Of course Erigeron glaucus in the Northwest Territory is feeding all kinds of bees non-stop.

A new addition to the NW Territory is this white wood aster, Eurbia divaricata. It's great to have something in there that doesn't peak in June.

I thought Verbascum bombiciferum 'Arctic Summer' was finished a month ago, but it just keeps pumping out a few lemon-yellow blossoms at a time.

A swap-gifted Veronica is blooming daintily under the crape myrtle.

My new crush is Agapanthus; this NOID plant was a swap acquisition, and I'm in love! I need LOTS of these in my garden next year.

That wraps it up for August Bloom Day at Longview Ranch. I'm joining with Carol at May Dreams Gardens, who hosts our monthly show-and-tell of all things floriferous.

Happy Bloom Day, all!


  1. Beautiful! I especially like your plants with blue or purplish blooms
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. I love the blues and purples myself. Sometimes I wonder how it is that I end up with so much pink!

  2. Happy Bloom Day (I'm just a bit tardy. ;-) ) So many beauties in your garden! I'd love to grow Bougainvillea, and I know some people do overwinter it indoors here. It's so fun to see it in gardens when I travel. That Agapanthus is stunning--I can see why it's a new crush!

    1. Bougainvillea is my expensive annual plant. I can't overwinter it even though I've tried. So I treat myself to a new one each summer!

  3. So pretty! I really like the agastache and agapanthus. I need more flowers for our hummer visitors!

  4. Things are pretty darn florific over at Longview Ranch! Somehow I missed that you had a dasylirion blooming—how wonderful. Mine have never put out a bloomspike. I love that Lapageria rosea flower. How long has this been in the ground for you? I see it's listed as a Zone 9 plant...

    1. I have had the lapageria in the ground for three summers now. It came from Evan, as have many of my good plants!

  5. Very nice collection of blooming plants. I can see why you love Agapanthus. That rich color of purple-blue is stunning.


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