Friday, July 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - July 2016

Here we are, halfway through summer, but it's hard to believe with the relatively cool days and intermittent showers we've had so far. It's easier on the watering chores, but I confess I'm ready for some heat about now.
Each month on Bloom Day, I look around my garden and think I don't have much blooming, but when I get down to photographing what IS blooming, I find I have quite a few flowers to catalog. Let's take a look in a color survey, starting with blue.

This is a promiscuous Eryngium, probably E. planum that started off as 'Jade Frost' but has since crossed over to the "Dark Side" - as in plain green foliage.
Catmint, Nepeta 'Walker's Low' delights the bees - and the occasional neighborhood cat.

I love all the phases of Echinops ritro flowers, from the closed spiky balls like these, to the bright blue opening florets around each head.

Erigeron glaucus, Beach Daisy, is a summer stalwart. You saw it last month, you're seeing it now, and you'll probably see it next month - because, hey... this is as much about documentation as entertainment, right?

Delicate Limonium speciosum 'Blue Diamond' is a far cry from the big, papery blooms of the Statice I remember in bouquets as a child.

A lone Ceanothus 'Victoria' blossom. We had to remove about a third of the plant, but most of what remains is still looking fine.
Moving into purple I have Acanthus spinosa, rearing its spiny bracts.

Are these Eucomus comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' blooms purple or pink - or both?
 A pinky-white froth of bloom on an unknown sedum, courtesy of Patricia of plant lust fame.

Rosa 'Sally Holmes' is having a good summer. Cooler days have prolonged her blooms.

Cistus x obtusifolius blooming happily.

Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' - yet again.

Trachelospermum jasminoides.
Now for some hot color! Geranium cinereum 'Subcaulescens'.

Abutilon megapotamicum 'Red'.

Abutilon megapotamicum. 

I'm not a fan of our inherited garden roses, but this yellow blossom was looking too perfect to ignore.
And here are all the orange blossoms: Abutilon 'Tangerine'.
Agastache 'Apricot Sprite'.

Agastache 'Acapulco Orange'.

Punica granatum 'Nana'.
Cuphea 'Tiny Mice'.
An unknown Crocosmia.

Dicliptera sericea, from Uruguay, is supposed to be a hummingbird favorite.
Sphearalcea 'Newleaze Coral' backed by more Catmint.

Lastly, Kniphofia 'Timothy' is just the best shade of soft tomato-orange.

Our monthly host for Bloom Day is Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Check out what else is going on over there.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. That is a very pretty Kniphofia. Mine are all done blooming. Happy GBBD!

    1. My other kniphofia are done, too. This one is always last but worth the wait.

  2. That's pretty gol dang good nothing!

  3. You have many wonderful blooms! I love the pink sedum as well as the Eryngium which I tried growing and it didn't come back. It's such an interesting plant...I need to try again! Happy GBBD!

  4. So that is what Sphearalcea 'Newleaze Coral is supppose to look like! I got some and it did not make it over the winter 2 years ago :( Happy GBBD!

    1. Try again, Jenni: it's a lovely, meadowy plant that would love your sunny garden, I'd think.

  5. wow so many beauties!

  6. Lots of great blooms! I think my Dicliptera are starting to produce buds, but I'm not sure. I planted them late. We'll see!

    1. I was amazed how fast mine bloomed. Hot, hot sun and reflected heat seems to do it.

  7. Wonderful blooms, Miss Jane! Impressive and yes, you have a lot! Any secrets to growing your Agastache??

    1. My "secret" is that all but 'Apricot Sprite' were new this year. We'll see what winter brings! I am finding I need to water 'AS' a LOT this year already though.

  8. Eryngium and Echinops are two of my favourites at this time of the year too :)

  9. Organizing your post by color makes it a delightful experience. Leaving me with a taste of orange suits me to a T.

  10. Lots to love, but I'm with you...we need some sun and heat!

  11. Looks great! Nice to see that your 'Sally Holmes' is still going. Mine finished in early July but I deadheaded and now will wait and see if there is a another flush of blooms.

  12. A very beautiful post! You didn't spill yellow paint all over your Abutilon, did you? What cool foliage it has.

  13. Nice post only wish it had the plants common name
    Thanks anyway

  14. Love the Limonium speciosum 'Blue Diamond' where did you get that from?


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