Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - November 2016

It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. I've been a no-show for a few monthly rounds but I'm back and ready for the beauty of gardens to begin healing my soul after a week of despair and sad news.

So are you tired of seeing the lovely and fragrant Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' yet? I don't think I ever will be.

Also softly pink, and earlier than ever, a few Arctostaphylos 'Austin Griffiths' flowers are beginning to open.

After cutting them back in September, the Mulch Man has a few re-blooming Penstemon in the Northwest Territory.

The darling, sputnik-style blooms of Fatsia japonica always look festive to me; I love that they seem to kick off the holiday season for the garden.

With a cultivar name like 'Yuletide', this Camellia has to bloom during the holidays, right?

I'm especially pleased to see a smaller C. 'Yuletide' we moved earlier this year starting to bloom in the front shade bed. It had suffered in a back garden bed where it got too much afternoon sun, but it looks much happier and healthier this fall.

A few little, mallow-like flowers remain on Sphearalcea 'Newleaze Coral'. I need to look into whether I should cut this back for winter, or just let it sprawl for now.

Abutilon megapotamicum has bloomed non-stop this year, and those little red and yellow blooms have brightened up many cloudy days for me this fall.

The deep maroon petals of Pelargonium sidoides are a sweet surprise this late in the year. This South African plant is apparently used to treat bronchitis as well as cough, sore throat and congestion. I'm using it to heal my sore heart this month.

I'll leave you with this Crape Myrtle leaf that fooled me from a distance, even though I know any bloom on this agave would look completely different. I just had to include this brilliant faux flower.

On this Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, I'm very grateful to my garden (and my gardening friends) for providing the beginnings of healing for my bruised soul.

Thank you Carol of May Dreams Gardens, for hosting. Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day to you all, wherever you are.


  1. Another "clown-nose Agave" sighting!

  2. How do people survive without a garden? It has been such a solace these last few weeks. I could never get tired of that (or any) Daphne. What I love most about those Sputnik blossoms is that it gives the intrepid hungry bees something to savor when there isn't much. Here's to a brighter year ahead.

  3. My garden, even in its current bleak, late autumn, very wet state, is giving me a lot of solace too. I've had a few faux flower/bright leaf sightings too! I neglected to include my Fatsia flowers this month.

  4. Your blooms are beautiful, but that last one certainly is fascinating and lovely too. I LOL with that. One of these days i will do that too!

  5. My garden is where I often turn for healing, as well. Lovely blooms today! Blessings to you.

  6. Your return is well-timed. We all need gardens more than ever.

  7. For some inexplicable reason, I've resisted buying a 'Yuletide' camellia. Now I've planted so much I'm not sure where I'd put one. Oh well, I can enjoy yours and others vicariously. I think that Sphaeralcea might do best if you wait until spring to cut it back, but definitely do your own research on that.

  8. Oh Jane - we all have bruised and mangled souls, I think. What a dreadful, dreadful week. That Abutilon makes me gasp every time - what a stunning flower!

  9. Hard to believe its November - or are these blooms not unusual for you at this time of year? Love the picture of the Daphne, and the color of the Pelargonium!

  10. When the world wearies and ceases to satisfy there is always the garden. Sending healing vibes your way my friend.


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