Friday, September 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - September 2017

Each month when I wander in the garden looking for Bloom Day flowers, I'm reminded yet again that I don't really have a "flower garden".  In fact, I just reviewed a Bloom Day post from two years ago to discover that I have almost the same set of flowers - hmmm.

But there are the August stalwarts, so here's a brief recap of what's blooming at Longview Ranch on this 15th of September, starting with the late-summer flowers of Helianthus maximiliani. I have to wait all summer for these bright faces.

California poppies (Eschscholzia californica) self-seed each year. This year they have lots of room where the big Ceanothus used to be.

The tiny flowers of Berberis verruculosa are almost unnoticeable, unless, like me, you are searching for blooms.

In nice timing for the overwintering humming birds, Mahonia fortunei 'Dan Hinkley' is beginning its flush of flowers.
With more room to grow, Solidago 'Lemon Baby' has exploded this year.

After dying to the ground over winter, Sphearalcea 'Newleaze Coral' has bounced back this summer.
A new Punica granatum 'Nana' has put on lots of growth, and flowers, since I bought it a few months ago.

My neighbor's Campsis radicans is still going strong and delighting me.
Abutilon megapotamicum.

Lagerstroemia 'Natchez' is on its last few flower trusses.
 A surprise white Foxglove popped up in the Northwest Territory.

I figured it out: this cultivar of Daphne x transatlantica is called 'Eternal Fragrance' because it never stops blooming.
 Hardy Cyclamen emerge from the dusty dry rocks. I don't know how they do it.
Tricyrtis formosana var grandiflora 'Wa-ho-ping Toad'. Not really "whopping" but very welcome in the shady bed.
They're almost over, but the little, papery blue blossoms of Limonium speciosum 'Blue Diamond' make me happy.

The sweet blue blossoms of a prostrate Rosemary. Rosemary usually blooms in early winter around here, but it's been an odd year.

Surprise fall blooms on Loropetalum chinense 'Sizzling Pink', as well.
Silene dioica 'Ray's Golden' is pumping out more flowers this month.
Lastly, Erigeron glaucus won't say goodbye to summer yet. And neither will I.

See all the flowers from all over today courtesy of Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. All beautiful flowers, but it is "Sizzling Pink" that really catches my eye!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. Beautiful! Love the toad lily. Thanks for sharing.

  3. For someone that doesn't 'have a flower garden', you sure do have a lot of lovely blooms! I really admire Sphearalcea 'Newleaze Coral'. I tried it and it didn't make it. I blamed the soil but it could have been my water happy ways. Happy GBBD!

  4. Looks like we have similar blooms ! I have 'Nana' and 'Newleaze Coral'. 'Sizzling Pink ...I will look out for one ! Happy GBBD!

  5. Nothing wrong with stalwarts! Dependable beauty is still beauty, and well, it's more dependable!

  6. I love the way you arrange your photos like a rainbow. The people who name the Tricyrtis do have a sense of humor. I just brought one home called Blu Shing Toad.

  7. There are many beautiful blooms for someone who does not really have a "flower garden". Perhaps I would do better if I didn't have a flower garden also. No, couldn't survive without something growing in the dirt.
    Thanks for sharing at GBBD.
    Jeannie @


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