Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wednesday Vignette

Here's a sight I haven't seen for months. Even if you didn't know this photo was taken this morning, you could probably guess we are no longer in high summer here in Portland. Yesterday afternoon I dumped an two-day accumulation of .7 inches of rain out of my rain gauge. Then this morning I emptied just over an inch! 
Do you see how the dirt (ash, dust, pollen, whatever) has coalesced under each drop of water below? That shows you that things were getting a bit grimy over summer, and how welcome the rain is for cleansing the air and the plants.
But as much as my garden needs it, I hope the rains will not be constant from now until June; I need a little transition time to make my peace with autumn and winter. And I have plants that, after waiting seemingly for months, I can finally put in the ground.


  1. I have lots of plants to get in the ground too, and this is the best time of the year to do that, but yes, we DO need a break in the rain to get out there and dig holes. I don't mind doing that in a little misty rain, but not a constant downpour.

  2. last september it was breast cancer surgery. this september it is foot surgery. i am so excited to go out and plant what i did not get done in the spring and early summer. the plants also need a little warmth and not constant inundation at least for a few weeks (before first frost). Ashland is forecast for seven days of sunny warmth starting this weekend. i hope you also get this forecast of indian summer.

  3. Hope that the rains wash ash, etc. from your garden, and that there will be just the right amount this season.

  4. Aye on the transition... I am totally ready for fall, but I want my fair share of sunny days with cool, crisp air, blue skies and soft, moist soil. Still, the last few days were a nice break, and I hope it rained just as much - or more - in the Gorge, so it helped with fire control. Getting all that ash washed off felt great!

  5. In my Pollyanna-ish way, I am convinced that we are in for a few weeks of perfect fall weather (with an occasional rain, at night, to keep that soil workable for all our planting projects).

  6. Very happy for you. We're starting to wonder what that stuff would be here, too. Very dry month in Toronto – though nothing compared to you CA folk.

  7. Good photo! Getting the plants washed off makes everyone happy--plants and gardener.


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