Sunday, October 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - October 2017

October is not a flowery month around Longview Ranch. But a few seasonal offerings and some stalwart bloomers are brightening up little corners of the garden.

For example, Impatiens omeana, blooming for the first time for me in the newer shade bed.

The non-native Mahonia are blooming this month, too. First, there's M. fortunei 'Dan Hinkley'.
A newer addition to the garden is Mahonia 'Soft Caress'. I like this one a lot.
M. gracilipes has very different (and almost impossible to photograph) flowers. These aren't quite open yet but they don't get much bigger than this.

The tiny pink flowers of Cyclamen hederifolium 'Xera's Sterling' are perking up the Northwest Territory. One plant bloomed in the garden this year, and that compelled me to go out and get several more to add in the same location.

Abutilon megapotamicum, still blooming strongly.

Agastache 'Coronado Red', encouraged by our recent rains, put on a new flush of blooms.
And it wouldn't be Bloom Day at Longview Ranch without our old friend Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance'.

Check out other Bloom Day posts from all over at May Dreams Gardens.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. More cyclamen is always a good idea! I love those cheerful flowers! Happy GBBD!

  2. I feel like I should have some Cyclamen-I keep seeing photos in OPG's (that would be 'Other Peoples Gardens') that set off a bit of envy. Something to think about for 2018.Happy Bloom Day !

  3. All exotic to these SoCal eyes. What fun! Agastache envy--all mine want to do is die.

  4. Thank goodness for these cheerful autumn bloomers! Lots of pretty happening at Longview Ranch this month!

  5. I'd say you captured that impossible to photograph Mahonia perfectly.

  6. So what do you suppose was behind both of our Impatiens omeana blooming?

  7. Those Mahonias are beautiful.


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