Thursday, April 16, 2020

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - April 2020

It seems to be my new habit to post a day late for Bloom Day, so here I am on the 16th of April with all the flowers blooming in my garden. Since I use my posts as a sort of garden journal, you'll see lots of plants that were blooming last month, but that need to be included for my flagging memory. Just skip past them - or marvel as I do, at their long bloom time!

First up, the Ceanothus. Below is C. 'Victoria' with a solitary bloom that has been open for literally three weeks. But I see lots of ready buds all over the plant, so I look forward to many more.

Ceanothus maritimus 'Valley Violet' is the loveliest color.
More beautiful blues - Camassia leichtlinii just beginning the show.
Here's Ribes sanguinea in full bloom now in the Northwest Territory.
Another from last month, Loropetalum chinensis 'Sizzling Pink' is a little past its prime but still looking very pink.

More pink: Malus 'Prairifire'. This street tree is a little ungainly, despite of the Mulch Man's careful pruning, but it puts on a great spring show.

Cornus 'Eddie's White Wonder' is perfection in the Northwest Territory.
Ipheion uiniflorum 'Alberto Castillo' has settled into the garden and is rewarding with several honey-scented flowers.

The NOID primrose above makes for a dynamic contrast. Here's a closeup of its unique coloring.

A Primula veris (red) that reads orange to me.
 The happy self-seeding Eschscholzia californica.
More amazing golden-orange. 'Icon' is the first to bloom of five miniature dwarf bearded iris from Aitken's Salmon Creek Gardens. I'm not a big fan of the tall bearded Iris, but these little ones are hard to resist.

 Another NOID miniature dwarf bearded iris from a few years back.
More white flowers: Pieris japonica 'Prelude', a low-growing selection (there are three plants in there.)
Primula sieboldii 'Late Snow'. This is all the snow I care for in a year.

A common Zantedeschia I have been trying to evict from the garden for ten years, with a little slug damage but looking good enough to leave for this year.

Arctostaphylos 'Martha Ewan' is a happy little camper in my south hell strip.

The first few flowers on Lewisia cotyledon 'Sunset Shades' wind up the April flower parade.

Check out Bloom Day every month at May Dreams Gardens, where you can enjoy flowers from all over the place.

Happy Bloom Day!