Monday, June 15, 2020

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2020

It's a wet Bloom Day here at Longview Ranch, but June will not be denied! She is forging on through our cool, damp late-spring, enticing blooms to open throughout the garden. Let's look at them in color order, beginning with lots of orange flowers.

Begonia boliviensis is livening up the patio with its florescent orange blooms. Believe it or not, they are even brighter than this picture shows.

I have two abutilons, (correction: 'Red Tiger' is the cultivar, not 'Temple Bells') both of which wintered over in the garden and are blooming for the first time this year. I'm so glad I didn't yank them out for non-performance last year!

Punica granatum is just getting started. Like me, it is so ready for more sun and heat!

Lobelia laxiflora. I see the Anna's hummingbirds checking these blooms regularly.

Verbascum bombiciferum camps out happily on the hell strip.

Halimium ocymoides in its first year.

Rosa 'Sally Holmes' blooms every June.

The interesting flowers (seed heads?) of Luzula nivea.

A cool, acid-green Nicotiana from a plant swap last year has returned. I used to know its species name but I've lost my tag - anyone?  (Edit: It's N. langsdorfii. Thanks for the memory jog, Kathy.)

Despite the lush bloom each year on this NOID olive, the flowers don't seem to interest pollinators so I get little fruit. I'm ready to take matters into my own hands with a tiny paint brush. Do you think it would work?

Daphne x transatlantica 'Eternal Fragrance' has overflowed her space. She is one of several foundation shrubs slated for removal and replacement in fall, but for now, she sweetly scents the air.

Dianthus petraeus var. noeanus.

Trachelospermum jasminoides provides some of our best screening and covers a chain link fence nicely. Plus it smells great!

Geranium x. oxonianum 'Katherine Adele' brightens up the shade.

Erigeron glaucus, looking perky.

This lavender is another plant that's outgrown its space and it's flowing over into the street from my narrow hell strip. I'll enjoy it while it blooms and do the dirty removal deed later on.

Sidalcea oregana, Oregon Checker Mallow in the Northwest Territory.

Penstemon... speciosus(?) Well, it's a penstemon of some kind.
Finally, Triteleia laxa 'Corinna' is the deepest, most beautiful blue in the garden this month. Last year I moved it into an area of the Northwest Territory where it gets more sun, and it's rewarding me this month with amazing color.
Bloom Day is hosted each month over at May Dreams Gardens. If you like these blooms, check out way more flowers on Carol's site. There are some amazing blooms in the links there!

Happy Bloom Day!