Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - September 2020

It's an apocalyptic Bloom Day in Oregon and most of the west coast today. Ongoing coronavirus pandemic concerns are trumped by unprecedented wildfires in California, Oregon and Washington, and the resulting smoke is creating unhealthy to hazardous air up and down the coast. Thousands upon thousands are evacuated, hundreds have lost everything they own, and at least 27 people have died. My heart goes out to all the people who will mourn dear family members, friends, pets, homes and whole communities. Some have have lost their way of life forever.

My short post today is dedicated to the people—firefighters, volunteers, community leaders, teachers, and just everyday folks who care—who are doing their best to provide help and a little normalcy wherever they can. Their positive actions help me feel there is still much good in this sad world of ours. And as much as I'd like to see it happen more often, they give me renewed hope that we can all come together when it really matters. 

So here are a few September blooms to honor our unsung heroes, beginning with Cyclamen hederifolium 'Xera Sterling'. It's so good to see these naked little flowers emerge from the parched ground each September.

A third flush of bloom brightens up Rosa 'Perle d'Or'. This sweet small rose has grown happily in a container for years, and never fails to bloom well.

The last few flowers on Heterotheca villosa, or Hairy goldaster, in the Northwest Territory. Like many of the natives we grow, this one attracts lots of little wild bees.

Lapagaria rosea on its last blooms as well.

You can see here Echinacea 'Sombrero Salsa Red' is fading into fall, but there are still a few smaller blooms coming off the main flower stems.

Callistemon 'Woodlander's Hardy Red' is surprising me (and pleasing our resident hummers) with a late-season second flush of blooms.

Punica granatum 'True Dwarf' (AKA P. granatum 'Nana') got a slow start this year, but it's making up for lost time.

Last, a few delicate flowers appearing on Beesia deltophylla. I think my diligent watering over the last hot, dry month has encouraged the flowers, since I have never had them after spring in the past. Of course, the foliage is beautiful year round.

And that's it for my brief Bloom Day post. Despite everything 2020 is throwing at us, we have a beautiful planet full of wonder. Let's each do our part to keep it that way. 

Bloom Day is hosted each month by the lovely Carol, at May Dreams Gardens.
Happy Bloom Day! Stay safe and well.

(Note: this is my first time using the new Blogger interface, so I apologize for any weirdness that has crept in, particularly in layout and spacing.)