Friday, January 15, 2010

Bloom Day, January 2010

It's Bloom Day, the 15th of the month, and the day garden bloggers share what's blooming in their gardens. Sadly, not one thing is blooming in the Mulchmaid's garden this month.

She's forced to consider the indoor garden, and honestly, there's not much action there, either.

In fact, there are just two things blooming indoors. The happy-looking aglaonema, above, lived with us for many years in a small pot. And it thrived. But as soon as I divided and repotted it last summer, it went into overdrive. This is the first time we have seen it bloom in the 20-plus years we've had it.  It must be repaying us for the long-overdue move.

And somebody needs to tell the little rosemary cutting below that it's the middle of winter. It won't be me, because I love that it's been blooming for weeks now and still has lots more buds to go.

Visit May Dreams Gardens to see what else is in bloom today.
Happy  Bloom Day, everyone!


  1. I just love those little rosemary blossoms!

  2. Well, the same person needs to stop by my house too, because all of my rosemary has blossoms! I think it blooms periodically all year, including winter. Hummingbirds are not complaining! Nice of you to divide your indoor plant, and of it to reward you with a bloom. 20 years, impressive that it has lived and thrived so long, it's gorgeous!

  3. oh, I love that your rosemary is blooming! Sadly, I don't even have houseplants doing anything but dying. And I'm talking about indestructible bamboo.

  4. How do you keep your rosemary so happy? Mine has been pouting ever since I brought in indoors.

  5. Weird my comments keep falling off your blog! They show up the day I make them and then the next day or so they disappear. I just want you to know I am loving your posts!

  6. Hi Jane~~ My rosemary blooms in late winter and early spring. It's growing outside though. Interesting that you've got an indoor rosemary blooming. Just goes to prove how green your thumb is.

  7. I was too lazy to go outside and look at what's blooming, so you've got me beat. Gorgeous aglaonema, it does look very happy.

  8. Glad to hear your aglaonema is doing well. The last time I divided and repotted, everything promptly died! Actually, I divided and planted in the ground, which I thought would be a good thing...but I guess not! Filed that one away under, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"


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