Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, June 2011

June is bringing forth her flowers in masses! Just look at Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Victoria'.

The bees are very proprietary about it, especially the large orange-haunched bumble bees who make it a challenge to photograph.

With Helianthemum 'Henfield Brilliant' at its feet it's not a shy, retiring color combo.

It's been such a cool, wet spring, it's hard to believe the Summer Solstice is next week - it still feels very spring-like here in Portland. The cool weather doesn't seem to be holding back flowering any longer, though.

I'm absolutely delighted the Trachycarpus fortunei palm is blooming for the first time - hard to photograph since the tree is still fairly short, but a great sign that it's happy.

Lewisia cotyledons have been blooming most of the month.

As have the Calla lilies. They are turning out to be a little on the thuggish side.

Tiny Lewisia rediviva has a bloom that overpowers its foliage.

It's in a trough with an equally minute no-name Dianthus. I love the Dianthus's ragged little petals.

Sedums are blooming nicely. This is Sedum spathufolium 'Cape Blanco', one of my favorites whether it's blooming or not.

I think this is Sedum kamtschaticum 'Variegatum'. The whole plant is the size of a dinner plate.

Another tiny gem, Geranium subcaulescens.

Eryngium planum 'Jade Frost'. This one sailed through winter.

Cistus x. obtusifolius.

On a suggestion from Grace of Gardening with Grace, I planted Nepeta x faasenii 'Walker's Low' instead of Agastache.  (Thank you, Grace and Scott, for supplying the correct name, validated by my finding the plant tag!)

Then I hedged my bets and ordered Agastache 'Acapulco Orange' from High Country Gardens, to replace the dead plant Grace so wisely mentioned didn't last long. I enjoyed my first 'Acapulco Orange' for three years -  the new one is still very small but it is blooming.

 In the Northwest Territory, the native Junegrass, Koeleria macrantha is making beautiful seedheads...

The streambank Lupine, Lupinus rivularis, is blooming...

And a volunteer foxglove is making a statement.

 Lilium columbianum is blooming, too. I love our native Tiger Lily.

And last, a sweet little (overdue - my fault for planting it late) Pagoda primrose, Primula vialii.

Bloom Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Click over there for a look at what's blooming this beautiful June 15th in gardens across the nation and around the world.


  1. Wow! Beautiful. Here in DC we can't grow lots of those plants for different? reasons. Too hot for Primula vialii and Lewisia (or too humid?; too cold for Ceanothus! Anyway lovely photos of lovely plants.

  2. Great post! I think that photo may be Nepeta 'Walkers Low', unless I'm mistaken…then again, may be a Salvia I'm just not familiar with! If you ever want to give it a go with Agastache again, I can give you some cuttings…at least then if they don't thrive, it doesn't cost any $$$! Love the Junegrass…I HAVE to look that one up at the next plant sale…same with the streambank Lupine…I love how their bloom stalks are looser and more open than the modern hybrids…they have such a charming air to them. Love that you grow the native lily…that is one of my favorite flowers (and another I'm planning on adding to my garden someday!).

  3. You have some beautiful flowers! Hard to believe the longest day of the year is so close, the official beginning of summer. Love that Primula. My Ceanothus has a couple of open buds, yours is so much further along. It's such a glorious shrub when in full bloom.

  4. You seem to have many of the plants I either have or covet. Just bought 'Victoria', but she was tagged as C. impressus. Different plant, or just mistagged? I'm wishing my Callas would be a bit more thuggish so I would feel free to make bouquets. Trying to grow Agastache from seed...will let you know how that turns out (three little tiny plants showing so far from a whole packet of seeds.

  5. Jane, That is a beautiful ceanothus. They don't seem to be shy about blooming this year, do they? I think Scott is right about your photo being of a catmint--Nepeta rather than a salvia. Also a great substitute for the soil-sensitive agastache. Good luck with your newbie from High Country. Hopefully you can give me some pointers on keeping them alive.

  6. Chris, thanks! I constantly see things on your blog we can't grow well's the delight of being able to exchange images.

    Scott, you're absolutely right about the Walker's Low. I found the tag! I love your characterization of the lupine: so many of our PNW natives are completely delightful in their quieter way.

    Alison, thank you! I wait all year for my Ceanothus blooms: it's the third and fourth years following planting them (two plants, one on either side of the fence) and 2011 is definitely a banner year for them.

    Ricki, I looked it up: the two Ceanothus names seem to be used interchangeably. And I'm happy to share my callas - these thugs need a bit of disciplinary thinning!

  7. Grace, thank you for validating the right name for the Nepeta - and I found the plant tag! As for pointers on Agastache cultivation...I'm the woman whose plant died last year!

  8. Wonderful stuff happening, Jane, the ceanothus, the cistus. I love your eye for plants.

  9. Your plants look wonderful, but I must say I envy having the climate and being able to grow ceanothus! Larry

  10. With our cool weather, it seems too early for things to be blooming but I guess it really isn't - I just associate these colors with warm weather. Thank goodness the garden is here to remind us what season it is.
    (thanks for the gentle push to return to blogging, that did provide the motivation I needed to start up again)

  11. Magnificent ceanothus, and the Koeleria grass is beautiful. I enjoyed your "bloom day".

  12. That's a big boom for a little palm! My neighbor's palm bloom just opened one day and dropped a ton of pollen or maybe seeds? Anyway the ground was yellow under the tree in a most dramatic way.

    Love the Eryngium picture too!

  13. Lovely Bloom day pics, I'm a big ceanothus fan as well, I seem to have two ' Victoria' ...ooops. At least the bees are happy.
    I was feeling a bit envious of your Eryngium Planum bloom, but realized I have 'blue cap' not ' jade frost' .

  14. Denise, thanks - call me simple (really!) but I do love my cistus and ceanothus.

    Larry, thank you for visiting! We are indeed lucky with our range of plant possibilities here.

    Megan, I'm delighted to see you back! Happy to have played a small part in the return.

    Hoov, Thank you. I've been exploring your blog and learning all kinds of things!

    Danger, the blooming T. fortunei is the one I planted three years ago. The new one from the Lan Su sale won't be there for awhile yet...but eventually...!

    Linda, I wouldn't regard two 'Victoria' as any kind of problem ... especially with all the room you have - how about trying another variety, too?


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