Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, May 2013

It's Bloom Day! In addition to the flowers I showed earlier this week, I have a full basket of blooms to share with you on this cool, showery day in Portland, Oregon:

Dianthus NOID has the tiniest fringed flowers. (Update: this may be D. arenarius - thank you Heather!)
I have tiny Geranium cinereum 'Subcaulescens' in a trough so I don't miss its fleeting blooms.

Lewisia rediviva closes in shade and at night - just like this!

A succulent flower, up close.

The annual Ceanothus 'Victoria' bee-feed is in full swing here at Longview Ranch.

The bees concur on one of my all-time favorite plants in the garden when it's in bloom.

Kniphofia northiea.

Its commanding flower head is a gorgeous color.

Acanthus spinosa, (thank you, Ricki!)

This is the third consecutive Bloom Day that Camellia 'April Kiss' has been flowering this year. There are just a few flowers left now, but I wanted to document and credit her blooming longevity this year.

Rhododendron 'Chionoides' has a soft green speckle that you only notice up close.

Penstemon subserratus.

I know one doesn't grow Luzula nivea for its blooms, but I'm enjoying its delicate flowers (seedheads?) this month.

Sisyrinchium bellum 'Rocky Point'.
Pyracantha 'Mojave' is having its best bloom ever. It suffers every spring from fire blight and that affects the flowers. This year, after some pruning, and our dry spring, there's much less fire blight damage and the flowers are abundant.

Kniphofia NOID with its lime green spikes.

And last, Trachycarpus fortunei, slightly past its best flower stage but still blooming up a storm.

Bloom Day is graciously hosted each month by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. May is her month, so click over to see what's blooming there, and in gardens all over the world.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. That Dianthus looks like D. arenarius--it's so cool! Your Acanthus is spectacular.

    1. I think you've ID'd it, Heather! Thank you!!

  2. Everything is looking gorgeous in your garden. The Dianthus is adorable, like little snowflakes!

  3. So happy that the Acanthus is doing well for you. It looks great against the background color of your house.

  4. WHAT???!! Your Acanthus is blooming already??? Wow! And I love the little Dianthus! Is it fragrant?

  5. That Dianthus is adorable...I LOVE the way they smell..that slightly spicy fragrance...wonderful :-)

  6. I have some frilly Dianthus I started from seed this spring, didn't realize They won't bloom till next year ...drat ...yours are very sweet

  7. You have some great blooms! The bees and I love my Ceanothus too, which is behind yours in blooming, just a couple of open flowers. I'm really happy to hear that your Camellia 'April Kiss' has flowered for a long time. I just planted one a couple of weeks ago, and I have high hopes for it.

  8. I love your trachycarpus blooms. It looks like you're a solid week ahead because mine are just opening up to their prime. And I loooove that acanthus bloom!

  9. Green Kniphofia blooms are my fav, my plant isn't showing any signs of blooming yet, so thank you for sharing yours!

  10. You have a lot of great plants! That ceanothus is wonderful. I also really like your penstemon and pyracantha.

  11. I enjoyed seeing all of your pretty spring blooms. I especially like the Kniphofias. I attemped to transplant my one plant to a different location last year and it never returned. I think I will buy another one to replace it. I really like those unusual flowers!

  12. My Rhodies are blooming now, but you are way ahead of me with the Ceanothus. I love those blue flowers too, and the glossy foliage. That fan palm makes me think of California.

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