Thursday, May 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, May 2014

It's May, it's May, the lusty month of May! This is the month that Carol, of May Dreams Gardens, and the generous host of Bloom Day, waits for all year, and we are not about to disappoint her here at Longview Ranch!  So what's blooming?

Well, the annual bumble-bee-feed is on at Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Victoria'.

Ceanothus x foliosis 'Joan Mirov' in the parking strip is nicely set off by a carpet of creeping thyme.

Blooming grassy plants include Milleum effusum 'Aureum', a happy self-seeder in my garden.

Luzula nivea is also in bloom. Although I grow this for its shade-tolerant, year-round grassy effect, I enjoy the fluffy seed heads this time of year.

Several shrubs are blooming now, like Physocarpus opulifolius 'Summer Wine'.

And Pyracantha 'Mohave'.

The little trough plants are flowering as well. This is Dianthus noeanus.

And here's Geranium cinereum 'Subcaulescens'. It's small but a mighty magenta!

This is the month we start to get flowers named for the sun, like Helianthemum 'Cheviot'.
And H. 'Henfield Brilliant'.
And one of my favorites, Halmiocistus wintonensis 'Merrist Wood's Cream'.
Sisyrinchiums are flowering, like S. striatum.

And tiny Sisyrinchium 'Devon Skies'.
I shared the blooms of our Indian Paintbrush in my last post, but it's so much fun I couldn't resist showing it again.
I showed a number of Pacific Coast Iris too, but here is the first Iris tenax bloom in the Northwest Territory.

I have a soft spot for Foxgloves, so I snapped up this gorgeously-colored Digiplexus when I saw it.

Last, a few "almost" flowers, in case they're not be around by the next  Bloom Day.
After three years, my Hesperaloe parviflora is finally going to bloom. It's sporting two flower stalks and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to share my excitement.
Also in the "This-is-great!" category, I have three Eremuris forming good flower heads. The biggest one has these crazy thready things all over it. Can't wait to see the flower!

That's my garden this month, but Carol has much more to share over at May Dreams Gardens.

Happy Bloom Day!

All material © 2009-2014 by Jane Finch-Howell for MulchMaid. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.  


  1. What a lot blooming! Foxglove reminds me of Georgia O'Keefe paintings...

  2. There's always so much gorgeousness in your garden, Jane. Through the interweb, I can hear the bees singing your praises for planting a ceanothus! Your Indian paintbrushes are too cool! My Digiplexis is budded but not open yet, probably because I got ones that were shorter so that they'd have a better chance of making it home in the car without being snapped in two. Happy GBBD!

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing how well the Digiplexus winters over. It's identified as a perennial, but you know how reliable that can be, especially on signage at the big orange box store.

  3. I grew that halmiocistus a while back and loved it. I need it again! Wonderful plants, Jane. And eremurus too, sigh...

    1. You do need that Halmiocistus. It's a winner!

  4. Lovely flowers Jane, and congrats on the hesperaloe and eremuris blooms-to-be! Now I'm heading out to check mine for signs of blooming...

    1. Pretty shocked at the Red Yucca after all this time. Yours have bloomed for years already, right?

  5. My Hesperaloe and Eremurus are both going to be blooming soon too. Isn't it exciting waiting for flowers to open? We no sooner have one plant open than we fret about another.

    1. Does this say something about us as people - or as gardeners, Alison?

  6. mmmm...the Ceonothus/Thyme pairing is magic!

  7. I love all your beautiful blooms! Especially the Helianthemum 'Henfield Brilliant'.

  8. Ok..Iove your blooms in May! Ceanothus is on my list to purchase. I love how the bees flock to them :)

  9. Wow, lots of great color! The Ceanothus is incredible. I also love the Helianthemum and Physocarpus, and I'm so jealous that you can grow indian paintbrush.

    1. We do feel very lucky that the Paintbrush seems to be happy at Longview Ranch, Jason.

  10. I keep planting helianthemums, based on your posts. Seems there are never enough of them. I have foxgloves aplenty, but nothing so exotic as your Digiplexus. May is treating you well.

  11. Your Digiplexis looks wonderful. The iris are gorgeous. The Ceanothus and Creeping Thyme are loooking really great together. Your blossom are all so wonderful. Happy May.

  12. Your garden is ahead of mine, even though you are farther north. I like all your bright sunrose blooms, so colorful! Your flowers are quite different from mine, so I enjoy seeing them. My Ceanothus 'Victoria' was hit hard by frost last winter, but parts of it pulled through, so I hope to see it bloom soon.


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