Sunday, June 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2014

It's time for our monthly overview of what's blooming in the garden.

Here's a lovely color combo in the south hell strip, a NOID lavender and Halimium ocymoides.

But first, lets have a look in the Northwest Territory. Eriogonum compositum, Heartleaf Buckwheat, is doing exceptionally well. It's next to Lewisia columbiana var. rupicola, which its robust growth is in danger of overwhelming.
A closer look at this delicate Lewisia. It has been blooming since the last Bloom Day.

Sisyrinchium 'Devon Skies'.
Philadelphus lewisii.

Sidalcea oregana, Oregon Checker Mallow.

I confess to having a hard time keeping track of the Penstemons in the Northwest Territory, but I'm pretty sure this is Penstemon serrulatus, or Cascade Penstemon. Whichever it is, it's blooming its pretty heart out.

A white volunteer foxglove fills the space where we lost a pine last year. I do love their speckled throats.

Iris tenax, the last iris standing (and blooming)

Erigeron glaucus.
Moving into the MulchMaid's purview, we have Acanthus spinosus. But no sign yet of blooms on Acanthus mollis, so you're not seeing it this month.

Eryngium planum 'Jade Frost', just turning color. Over the years, 'Jade Frost' seems to have lost all its its interesting jade and pink foliage rosette color, but the blue blooms are still striking.

Rosa 'Darlow's Enigma'. This behemoth is due for a serious cutting back, as it's sprawled all over the Trachycarpus fortunei and is blocking sun from few other nearby garden residents. But aren't the bloom trusses lovely.
A NOID Kniphofia with a great chartreuse color.

The parsley bolting in our herb bed is making the prettiest umbels.

Lewisia cotyledon 'Sunset Series'
The statuesque beauty of these yellow Eremuris is hard to ignore in the front dry bed. That's Rosa 'Sally Holmes' in full bloom against the chimney behind them. To the left you can see our new egress window well: Landscaping around it is next on the docket.

One of my very favorites, Halmiocistus wintonensis 'Merrist Wood's Cream' continues from last month's bloom.

Last, some orange for you: Punica granatum 'Nana'.
 Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day provides the perfect opportunity to take stock and record my garden's monthly progress and I'm grateful to Carol Michel of May Dreams Gardens for so graciously hosting each month. Click over there to see lots more June blooms!

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. I've got a couple of matching little green Kniphofia blooms on the plant I got from you at the swap, I love them (thank you!) but sadly couldn't manage to take an in-focus photo of them. I'm also quite fond of the blooms on your Halmiocistus wintonensis 'Merrist Wood's Cream', lovely bloomday show Jane!

  2. That Punica has the most intriguing flower! Happy GBBD! I have a non-orange Kniphofia too.

  3. My E. 'Jade Frost' all reverted too, and only survived a few months after doing so. I decided to try again. We shall see ! Happy GBBD ...

  4. I love the lavender and Halimium in the first photo! So many lovely blooms. I just noticed bloom spikes coming up on my knophofia. They'll be a while yet. I always love acanthus blooms. That penstemon is lovely, but it isn't serrulatus.

  5. Great photos, Jane ... and beautiful flowers.

  6. Wow - that Pomegranate flower is so intriguing! I love it! And, I adore the white Lewisia. I don't know what it is about white, daisy-like flowers, but they make me swoon... Also, like Loree, I have a little chartreuse spike appearing in the Kniphofia you gave me. So cool! Thank you so much for that - I love that too! :D

  7. Iris tenax comes in yellow?! I never knew. Happy bloom day!

  8. I have that same Halimium ocymoides , what a wonderful plant it is; and I've just planted a Halmiocistus wintonensis , which I see from yours I'm going to love .

  9. Thanks for the orange! I love that delicate white Lewisia. Usually they seem to be pink or coral.

  10. So much blooming beauty in your garden right now! I especially like your Punica granatum 'Nana'. I've never grown it myself but admire it very much!

  11. The lavender and Helemium is indeed a gorgeous combo. And your 'Darlow's Enigma' is blooming much more luxuriantly than mine. The Punica looks like an orange starfish!


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