Monday, December 10, 2012

Bud Patrol

Yes, I know it's just early December. We haven't even passed the winter solstice yet. Leaves are still hanging on the trees around us. But thank goodness many plants are preparing themselves attractively for Spring's blooms and foliage, so here's what I'm seeing as I look hungrily for signs of that renewal. It just can't come fast enough for me!

Huckleberry, Vaccinium ovatum.

Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide'. Many of these buds have already opened as you can see in the background.

Camellia 'April Kiss'.

Mahonia aquifolium.

Gaultheria shallon.

Pinus contorta.

Daphne odora 'Marginata'.

Arctostaphylos x 'Austin Griffiths'.

Embothrium coccineum with its fuzzy red buds. It's years from flowers, but I'll settle for new growth this spring.
 How about you? Can you "be here now", or are you already jonesing for Spring?


  1. Oh, Jane...thank you for these pictures of lovely encouragement!

  2. It's delightful to walk through your garden with a bud or two. What a nice reminder that we're getting closer to spring every day!

    1. Yes, I need all the encouragement I can get from now until May!

  3. I was having a little search around ,as well as scouping up mushiness

    1. Ah, well, I didn't picture the mush here, but I've got my share!

  4. So nice to see all the buds on your plants. I have to say I'm not really enjoying my garden right now all that much. But I have seen signs of buds too, and I'm looking forward to Spring.

    1. It's much harder to find the beauty in the garden right now, but you can see I'm desperate!

  5. I noticed the first shoots coming up last weekend. I should check on our Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide', what you gifted us back in the day.

  6. I just finished planting a bunch of bulbs this weekend...and noticed Tulips coming up already...crazy!

    1. Crazy is right! I think our warmer-than-average fall is to blame.

  7. I think you know where I stand on this matter. All I need is a little encouragement to start dreaming of spring, this definitely pushes me in that direction! Thank you, plus would you believe I saw daffodils peeking out from the ground just the other day!

    1. Yes, I'm hearing reports of shoots and sprouts. Fingers crossed that they can manage if it gets a lot colder - we do have months of potential cold weather to hammer them. Brrrr!

  8. A lovely collection of buds ... can't wait to see your garden in spring!

  9. I think Winter is my favorite time of year in the garden! I love walking outside and closely inspecting all the little buds and shoots. You can really get a sense of things growing before your eyes. My flowering quince and edgeworthia are getting ready for show time.

  10. Wow, Jane you make me anxious to get outside and see what I've got cooking. I love these photographs and the HOPE they offer. Spring will be here! I'm especially intrigued with your Daphne odora buds. They look ready to pop. Maybe mine are too.

    1. Take your umbrella with you into the garden today, Grace!

  11. This weather has been so mild recently. It's so great when the next season begins before the old one is done.

    1. I'm guilty of mashing together the seasons I like less, in a vain attempt to hurry them along!

  12. I love that you have camellia in bloom. Mine are all springtime ones, but there is a 20 ft tall one outside my window. It's amazing in the springtime.

    1. Plant yourself a wintertime bloomer and think "tropical", Louis!

    2. I think you're onto something!

  13. I needed that, pictures of the hope, of spring.


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