Friday, August 16, 2019

Back (late) for Bloom Day - August 2019

Hi there! I've been missing from the blogisphere, but I'm back with a late Bloom Day post in the last real summer month. Bloom Day is hosted by Carol of May Dreams Gardens monthly and you can check out gardens from all over creation if you hop over there.

I'll work in color-wheel order this month, beginning with three Echinacea 'Sombrero' hybrids from last year that have melded into one gigantic, flower-covered mound. Two are supposedly 'Salsa Red' and one is 'Adobe Orange', but I can't see a bit of difference between them. They're quite an eyeful, regardless.

The flowers of Hesperaloe parviflora had to be staked since they want to lean out into the street. I miss the lovely curve of the bloom stalks, but cars were threatening to break them off when they parked.

In similar colors but a very different habit, Agastache rupestris.

Tithonia rotundifolia 'Goldfinger' was hoping for rich soil... ha! It's doing its best with the rocky garden and minimal water.

Punica granatum 'Nana', having a happy summer on the deck.

Clivia miniata 'Belgian Hybrid Orange', sending up a new bloom truss.

Heterotheca villosa, or Hairy Golden Aster in the Northwest Territory.

Kniphofia 'Percy's Pride'.

The minute flowers of Ardisia japonica 'Dragon Brocade'.

Eucomus comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' has relaxed into a greener version of itself in late summer. Only the flower stalks remain true to its name.

Caryopteris, just coming into bloom
Echinops ritro, a stalwart bloomer in my garden. Bees love it, too.

This Calluna vulgaris cultivar could be any one of six similar heathers for which I have tags. I grow them mostly for their spring foliage color, but this fluff of mauve is a nice touch in the late-summer garden.

Another unknown Calluna vulgaris cultivar leads us into the white flowers.

Lewisia columbiana var rupicola blooms off and on all summer.
A gentle scent wafts up as I pass by Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' in the garden.

Trachelospermum jasminoides is still blooming on the sunny side of the fence, although the scent is hardly noticeable now.
And to knock it out of the park, my annual purchase, a Bougainvillea that starts off more orange but matures to this astonishing magenta.

Happy belated Bloom Day, all!