Sunday, February 16, 2020

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - February 2020

It has been raining cats and dogs these past few weeks and I missed "official" Bloom Day yesterday, but the sun is shining now, so I went out to see what's blooming here at Longview Ranch.  It can take a little looking, but I'm happy to say blooms are emerging, though they can be small and often inconspicuous.

First up, the tiny flowers of Azara microphylla. They have a very light scent, and the honeybees are enjoying the fluffs of yellow

A big, NOID Epimedium with pretty yellow flowers.

More tiny yellow flowers are almost open on a young Acacia pravissima.

I can't ignore the only clump of daffodils in my garden, a past spring's small pot of Narcissus cyclamineus 'Tete-a-tete', put out to pasture.

Ribes davidii is a ground cover for me, but in early spring it has these little flowers.

More weird little blooms: Luzula sylvatica 'Aurea'.
 And more pink: Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum 'Sizzling Pink', in fact.

Below the Loropetalum, a NOID Hellebore provides a nice color echo.

As in so many gardens, my snowdrops are the first ephemeral to emerge, and they last beautifully.

More long-lasting flowers: Arctostaphylos 'Austin Griffiths' blooms are turning white and covering the ground beneath it, but the shrub is still a lovely sight.

Abutilon megapotamicum is back to blooming after a several-month break.

Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' is doing its best to prolong the holiday season.
This Rosemary had designs on the stop sign and needed to be cut back hard a year and a half ago. It rebounded nicely and is blooming with abandon this year.

Lastly, I'm dedicating this Bloom Day post to my sweet kitty Elvis, who left us unexpectedly just few days ago. Although he wasn't a garden cat per se, he enjoyed watching me out in the garden, and gave me an enthusiastic and loving welcome whenever I came back inside. This is a shot from shortly after he and Pearl came to live with us thirteen years ago, and I like to think he has gone to meet up with his old friend Pearl once again. They will always be in our hearts.

Bloom Day is celebrated by Carol at May Dreams Gardens, where she invites us to share what's blooming in our gardens each month on the 15th. Check out more flowers there from all over.

Happy belated Bloom Day!