Saturday, May 15, 2021

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - May 2021

Dry, dry, dry - that's what most of April and the first half of May has been at Longview Ranch. Never have I had to irrigate as much or as early as this year. And I think the garden is showing the drought already; blooms are fading earlier than usual, too.

But we still have some bright and springlike flowers for this May Bloom Day, starting with the hardest to photograph, Podophyllum ssp. Form A. (the spotted leaves drifting through are actually on Aspidistra lurida 'Ginga'.)


Rosa 'Sally Holmes' is in her first, beautiful flush of bloom.


Ceanothus 'Victoria' will probably put on more growth now, after removal of the eucalypt that partially shaded her. She's delighting visiting bumblebees.


Scilla peruviana is at the apex of bloom.

Luzula nivea is having a very good year. My earliest plants lived in a hotter, drier location and didn't bloom much. These, planted in a shadier spot, are much happier.

Persicaria 'Purple Fantasy'. Who knew it had these cute little flowers?

Eschscholzia californica with the surprise of a particularly nice deep orange version (possibly 'Mikado' from Botanical Interests.)

Loropetalum chinense 'Fire Dance' is coming out of its shell after removal of some cedars that shaded it.

The blooms of Trachycarpus fortunei make a mess every year, but I still love the way they look.

Lewisia columbiana var rupicola (with a few spent dogwood petals as a reality check.)

Iris tenax in the Northwest Territory.

Iris x pacifica 'Simply Wild', with a side of Iris x pacifica 'Meadow Pastels' in a rare white form.

Lastly, Rosa 'Perle d'Or' in all stages of bloom.

As usual, I'm joining the Bloom Day celebration of flowers hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. You can check out lots more May flowers by visiting her there.

Happy Bloom Day, all!