Sunday, August 15, 2021

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - August 2021

It's been hot. We've been having a slight reprise of our "heat dome" for the past five days, and I for one, am done with it. I remember long, hot August days in previous years, but somehow this year's heat seems harder to take. The garden is feeling it, too.

Case in point: Echinacea 'Sombrero Salsa Red'. The flowers should still be a vibrant, rich red. Instead most have faded to more of a rusty red, in spite of regular irrigation.

Also feeling pretty tired are the flowers of Agastache "Acapulco Orange'. They are still blooming, just not as robustly as they did last year.

But enough bemoaning of the heat; some plants are performing like they were born to it. Lagerstroemia 'Natchez" is a heat-loving summer stalwart. Some of the lower branches have formed flower trusses this year, so it's easier to admire them and grab a picture of the blooms.

Gardenia 'Frostproof ' is noticing we removed the eucalyptus that partially shaded it.

Rosa 'Sally Holmes' is taking the heat in stride with a fresh flush of blooms.

Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance'

I love the papery flower heads of Luzula nivea.

Catananche caerula.

In a pot, because we're Zone 8, Bougainvillea 'Camarillo Fiesta'. I'm thinking about planting one in the ground next summer.

There aren't as many flowers on Begonia boliviensis this year. The ones there are good, but I think it needs more feeding.

This is the third summer in the ground for this NOID Cuphea. The hummers check it out for nectar every day.

Summering on the patio is good for Clivia 'Belgian Hybrid Orange'.


Eucomus comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy'.


Pretty seedhead shapes on Cyperus alternifolia.

In the Northwest Territory, the beach daisy, Erigeron glaucus, is blooming on.

I have a number of similar Cyclamen all planted close to each other. These first little blooms may be C. 'Xera Sterling'.

Finishing with a flourish, here's Heterotheca villosa brightening up the Northwest Territory. It's absolutely covered with pollinators!

As always, I'm joining Carol at May Dreams Gardens to celebrate the flowers in our gardens for August.

Happy Bloom Day, all!