Sunday, December 15, 2013

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, December 2013

It's a meager Bloom Day at Longview Ranch. December is not the most flowery of months, and after our arctic conditions of a week ago, even some of the reliable December flowers like those of Fatsia japonica, are sadly drooped and dying.

I usually have rosemary blooming by mid December. It is this year, but it's just barely showing color. I'll take what I can get!
On time but protected: I'm so glad I moved this cute little Primula veris into the protected garden shed before the deep freeze happened. Its beautiful orangy-red is a great shot of color.
Another protected bloomer is this NOID Streptocarpus. It lives indoors year-round.

Also indoors, though slightly past blooming perfection is this NOID Schlumbergera. It used to bloom at Halloween, until Elvis knocked it on the floor and we had to repot it. Now the bright orange blooms brighten up our gray December days.

Last year at this time, all three Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' were in mad bloom. This year, I'll be surprised if they flower by their namesake holiday. Only one bud on one plant is even showing any color today.

Considering the cold weather we've had, I'm even more surprised to see Arctostaphylos 'Austin Griffiths' beginning its bloom in December - what's happening with this shrub that has featured in my last two February Bloom Day posts? Maybe the cold is the clue.

In any case, since 'Austin Griffiths' is just getting underway, I hope the flowers will last a month or so. Check back for January's Bloom Day to see if they do!

Meanwhile, enjoy more blooms around the nation as Carol hosts Bloom Day at May Dreams Gardens. Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Well, Jane - your combined indoor/outdoor treasures are doing far better than anything I could show. I love the little Archtostaphylos! What a trooper! Like yours, my Yuletide is merely buds too, and none of them show any color yet. Took a quick look around the rest of the yard this morning, and was terribly dismayed. If anything, I might be able to post photos of dying foliage, which for sure makes the most dramatic statement around the garden this month.

  2. You've got quite a bright floral show going on there Jane! Pretty impressive for December, even if some of them are inside bloomers! My Yuletide is also just budded but I saw a whole slew of them at a nursery today that were in full bloom. Wonder if they took them inside during the freeze or maybe just got them.

  3. Considering it is December, you have a good selection of blooms!
    I especially like the cactus.
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. I love that cute little Primula! There's very little worthy of note blooming out in my garden too.

  5. Well, there you go. This is more than I have my friend. I am going to buy some primroses for a newly developed garden area. I'm hoping I can keep them alive year round because I really like the foliage even when they're not in bloom. ... I need me an Austin for my garden. What a fabulous plant. Even if it didn't bloom, that foliage...ooh la, la. If we don't "talk" before Christmas, I hope you have a day full of love and laughter.

  6. So how are your Camelias doing now? Any blooms?

    1. Nope, not yet. They're still as tightly furled as they were last weekend.


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