Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - September 2015

Summer feels over. I'm already missing the long, warm (okay, hot!) days we've left behind. Luckily, as of yet my garden hasn't gotten the message and is still pumping out blossoms for this month's Bloom Day. With some significant perennials missing due to being lifted for the yet-to-begin(!) patio project, here's what's blooming today, and still blooming from August at Longview Ranch.

Agastache 'Apricot Sprite' just doesn't quit, although I found I do have to give it more water than I expected. That orange makes it well worth the extra moisture.

I love the way the pinky-purple blooms of this NoID summer-blooming heather combine with its orange new growth. Up close it's a little odd, but at a distance the effect is warm and delightful.

Right next to it, this white heather with gray foliage cools down the scene.

Another white in the garden is the Lagerstroemia 'Natchez', still blooming well from last month.

Rosa 'Sally Holmes' is having another flush of bloom. As many of you know, it's one of only a few roses I grow affirmatively, but I love these little apricot buds that open to simple white flowers.

Loropetalum chinense 'Sizzling Pink' is responding to cooler days and more water.

Sidalcea oregana, Oregon Checker Mallow, is coming back after a chop.

The pale blooms of Erigeron glaucus brighten up the Northwest Territory.

Their soft lilac coloring is difficult to capture; this is pretty close.

In contrast, here's an eyeful hanging over from my neighbor to the north.

Smaller, but equally intense in color are the remaining blooms on Punica granatum. The hummers still check them for nectar, but I have no idea if they get rewarded.

A native Penstemon.

Tiny blooms are forming on some prostrate Rosemary in barrels along our driveway.

One of the perennials far back in its bed so not needing to be lifted, this Caryopteris punches out a few blue blooms.

Rudbeckia would like more sun, but is shining forth anyway.

My first bloom of Helianthus maximiliani, courtesy of Ricki at Sprig to Twig.

Bloom Day is sponsored on the 15th of each month by the lovely Carol, at May Dreams Gardens. Check out the links there for blooms everywhere.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Oh dear! I've been hearing that the patio project is set to begin any day now for quite a while, seems like it's been pending all summer. I hope it happens without a hitch. It's always stressful to me to have the proverbial men in big boots traipsing around the garden, but waiting for work to begin is stressful too. Happy GBBD! Glad you still have flowers. Sally Holmes is a lovely simple rose.

  2. What Alison said. What is taking those contractors so long? A test of your patience, I bet. I love all your pretty blossoms. Sally Holmes is so beautiful and I bet the bees love her as much as you do. Does the Prostrate Rosemary survive in your barrels? I just planted a few in a container and I figure I'll have to protect them if the temps go too low. And speaking of weather, guess what. IT'S RAINING! Miracle of miracles! :)

    1. Grace, I haven't done a thing to protect the prostrate rosemary for years: it's always fine. The real trick seems to be keeping it watered in summer.

  3. Hope your patio project commences soon. Love your blooms. I'm fond of rosemary flowers. It's a shame they always seem to die in my garden. There always seems to be a sudden frost that takes them out the winter after I plant them. Be warned, I put two in the ground this year.

    I really like that white-flowered heather. Do you remember the name of it? I'd love some cuttings, or if there are any rooted branches and you're willing to share.

    1. Sorry, Evan, I don't have the name on the white heather. But I'm happy to bring some cuttings to the swap.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing your new patio ! I'll take a cutting of 'Sally Holmes' along with 'Darlow's Enigma' ….please , when you get around to it.

  5. Our 'Sally Holmes' also had a later flush of blooms. A wonderful rose, isn't it? The Lagerstroemia looks bountiful and fluffy, like a cloud. Is the Erigeron a native?

    1. Yes, Jason, the Beach Daisy is native from the coasts of central California to central Oregon, so almost a native for us in PDX.

  6. I'm always looking for more orange to add and you are a source of inspiration.


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