Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday vignette - the calm before the holiday storm

It's the day before Thanksgiving. Giving thanks is a wonderful way to usher in the holiday season with all its attendant fun.

Although the colors in the image below don't say autumn, the simplicity of the arrangement speaks volumes to me as we wind up for the coming seasonal activities. It's a gentle reminder - courtesy of Jeffrey Bales' summer garden - to slow down, appreciate the moment, and just breathe.
I'm joining Anna at Flutter and Hum to celebrate her Wednesday meme today. Check out the comments to see other bloggers' vignettes.

I wish each of you a happy (and calm) Thanksgiving.


  1. It's hard to sometimes take that moment and find center with the rush of the holiday upon us. I like your picture and I think it spreads your message well. Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. It's a lesson I try to remember, with limited success. That's partly why I posted it here. Happy Thanksgiving, Jenni.

  2. "...slow down, appreciate the moment, and just breath..." Your vignette is a perfect reminder to remember what matters. Personally, I really dread the holiday hysteria, which will begin in ernest as soon as Thanksgiving is over. I much prefer doing what you suggest. Happy Thanksgiving, Jane!

    1. I love the family, friends and fun of the holidays, but I'm inevitably overwhelmed by the sheer mass of the holiday season's avalanche. Each year I get better, at putting it in its right place, though.

  3. Because my son was appearing in a play there, I spent last Christmas in Yosemite. I did not put up a tree or decorate or buy a single present. It was one of the best Christmases I've had in years, surrounded by spectacular natural beauty and basically zero consumerism. I won't be so lucky this year but my Christmas at home will be informed by my experience in 2014.

    1. Yosemite for Christmas sounds absolutely perfect, Kathy. I can't imagine a a more beautiful way to spend the holiday. You clearly have a better perspective on this year's celebrating!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! My family is escaping the cold and the crazy relatives by running away to the beach.

  5. I hope your Holiday storm was an enjoyable one, and not too stormy! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Hope you had a relaxing Thanksgiving! Love the vignette and hope someday to see Jeffrey Bales' garden in person!

  7. Late to the party, as always. Your vignette and words are apropos, not just during Thanksgiving but always. Hugs.


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