Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday Vignette - Buena Vista Ponds

My image today isn't really a vignette - it's more like a panorama. But it holds a special place in my heart. This shot was taken at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge a couple of years ago in September. There's a field station at the base of a large rock outcropping, and you can drive up to the top for this beautiful overview of the ponds.
The ponds and their plant life support waterfowl, meadow birds and lots of other wildlife. It's one of my favorite places in Oregon. While there's a chance this view may have been compromised by recent events at the refuge, I have faith in nature's ability to recover and I look forward to enjoying this lovely prospect again in future years.

Wednesday Vignette is hosted over at Flutter and Hum. Check the comments for other vignettes today!


  1. I've been enjoying the way you have been bringing other parts of our beautiful state (and beyond) onto our home screens.

    1. With my memory, it's a lot of fun revisiting places for me, too, Rickii.

  2. they are super delicate, which is why they are usually carefully protected and only trampled by uneducated clods.

    1. Well, you might guess what my opinion of the late occupiers was...

  3. We were supposed to visit last summer. And the summer before. And the summer before. I wonder if we finally will this summer?

    1. Don't worry, it's actually much nicer in late spring or autumn, Loree. Summer is stinkin' hot out there. That said, I spent my honeymoon there 20 years ago this coming August :-)


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