Friday, May 15, 2020

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - May 2020

It's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day over at May Dreams Gardens, and it's an especially important one because... it's May! In the spirit of celebration, let's take a look at what's blooming at Longview Ranch this month.

Last month, I started off my post with a solitary bloom on Ceanothus 'Victoria'. This month, the rest of the plant has joined the act.

Ceanothus 'Joan Mirov' is fluffing out blue blossoms as well.

More blue in Iris pallida. The foliage is enough, but the blooms are a nice a plus in spring.
Scilla peruviana doing its spring thing.
Last month Lewisia cotyledon 'Sunset Shades' flowers were just beginning. This month they are winding down.

Other Lewisias include L. cotyledon var howellii, with two different colorations on one plant.

In the Northwest Teritory, Lewisia columbiana var rupicola is beginning to flower.

This L. cotyledon 'Rainbow' is white. So much for a name!

I always enjoy the grassy little flowers of Luzula nivea.

A volunteer aquilegia.

Abutilon megapotamicum keeps the hummers fed most months.

Another red summer flower back in action: Penstemon pinifolius.
If I'm honest, I'm a bit sad the Verbascum bombiciferum 'Arctic Summer' is in its bloom stage; I loved the fuzzy, silvery pre-bloom stage. Since it's here though, I hope the flower head stays for a while.

The surprisingly intricate flowers of Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'.

The color of the flowers on Halmiocistus wintonensis 'Merrist Woods Cream' is hard to capture, but they are the prettiest buttery yellow.

Lastly, a single apricot-colored bud leading a soon-to-be-truss of blossoms on Rosa 'Sally Holmes'.
And that's a wrap on May's Bloom Day. Check out Carol's namesake garden post for lots more flowers this month.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. So many nice blooms - isn't this a wonderful month?

  2. I guess I've never really looked closely at the flowers on my Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'. Thanks for the push to do so!


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