Thursday, July 16, 2015

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - July 2015

It's only mid-July and already it feels (and looks) almost like late August in the garden. The month of June brought high temperatures with no rain, and now in mid-July we are parched and dry in Portland, Oregon. But that won't stop the blooms, although some are significantly earlier than normal, and many that are almost done were in their full glory this time last year.

Like Kniphofia 'Timothy', whose salmon-colored blooms have gone from over a dozen at a time to just a few trailers. The hummers are still interested in them, though.

Helenium 'Moorheim Beauty' is not as full this year. It's a plant I rarely water and I think the early drought affected it.

It's the month for Crocosmia. Here, the last flowers on C. 'Lucifer'.

Crocosmia 'Corona', my favorite (but don't tell the others.)

I'm drawing a blank on this Crocosmia. I think I remember moving it last year, but then it didn't bloom. It certainly is a beautiful, clear, tangerine-red this year.

Eucomus comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy'. The flower stems are always darker on this plant -

- than on this one that gets more sun. But the florets are pinker on this one.

In the same bed, Echinops ritro is blooming with its fascinating spherical flower heads.

More semi-spheres are represented by Eryngium 'Jade Frost'.

And more blue here in Salvia 'Black and Blue'.

Trachelospermum jasminoides is still blooming at the top of the plant.

Limonium speciosum 'Blue Diamond' is past its prime, but adds a frothy touch of blue.

Erigeron glaucas, perking up the Northwest Territory.

Also in the NW Territory, this native Penstemon that I always ID incorrectly - I'm not even going to try this month. I'll just admire its Hummingbird-attracting tubular flowers.
It's not in the ground yet, but I had to include my new Sphearalcea 'Newleaze Coral' from Xera Plants. Such a great color!

I like how Bloom Day helps me notice the tiny flowers of Sagina subulata.
And the even tinier flowers on a volunteer patch of Corsican Mint.

Bloom Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Join her to see a multitude of fascinating blooms from all over this month.

Happy Bloom Day!


  1. Better late than never for your Bloom Day post. Your Eucomis are much further along than mine, and they stand up straighter too. That is a nice Crocosmia! Happy GBBD!

    1. I've decided the trick with Eucomis is to withhold water: whenever I think that surely they are too dry, and then I water them, they flop shortly thereafter. This year - no water!

    2. Ooh - good one! I'll keep that in mind, Jane!

  2. Bloom day does make us look at blooms that we might just pass by otherwise, doesn't it? That Limonium speciosum 'Blue Diamond' looks interesting...

    1. The Limonium is prettier earlier on - it's a lovely blue.

  3. Crocosmia 'Corona' is a beauty! The last of my penstemon finished a couple weeks ago. I miss them. Your lovely Eryngiums reminded me that I forgot to include my Eryngium variifolium in my bloom day post. My Corsican mint disappeared. It spread rapidly for a couple years and then sort of fizzled out. I might have to try again. I love the scent.

  4. Love all the crocosmia varieties. I fell out of growing them for some years but am starting up again. So far I've only reintroduced Solfatarre, but there's so many good new ones to try. Looking good, Jane!

  5. Your garden is handling the heat a lot better than I am. Lovely bunch of blooms, as always.

  6. I love that Sphearalcea 'Newleaze Coral' ! I had one last year , Poo... it didn't make it through the winter. I almost got another last time I was at Xera , then decided ,not .

  7. What's your secret with getting the Eucomus to bloom? This year all I've got are leaves. Almost 15 plants throughout the garden and nothin but foliage.

    Crocrosmia 'corona' would be my fav too, it's a stunner!

  8. The Lucifer at my house has already come and gone. Crazy weather. Great blooms this month!

  9. You have so many lovely flowers, Jane. And I like the closeups of the really small ones. Funny - I just saw the tiny purple blooms on Corsican mint yesterday. Never even knew it bloomed... Also - love the Sphearalcea - a new one to me!

  10. That's a beautiful Penstemon.

  11. Such pretty blooms Jane! I'm with you, it feels like the end of August. It will be a real test for our favorite plants. Loving your crocosmia. You gave me a more coral colored one, I'm looking forward to the blooms :)


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